Part 7 - Day 2 on Stage

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   The sun is beaming on me and I cannot believe the night I just had. Johnny has me wrapped in his arms and I would love to stay there for hours but we have to get to work. We walk up to a parking lot where Johnny has his Porsche and he has a very possessive grip as we walk holding hands. I look over at him and he says something I will never forget, “Dara, you are the one." After that he swoops me into his arms and places me gently into the front seat. I catch my breath right before he enters the car.

   He knew I was dreaming of kissing him because as soon as he was seated he pulled me in sweetly and French kissed me. I lost it and began to laugh so hard.

I say…" You know we haven't brushed our teeth yet and you just kissed me."

“Yes my darling, when you find a girl like yourself the morning breath is something I can handle.”

“I don't know if that was a compliment but I am taking it as one so thank you handsome."

Johnny chuckles and takes my hand as we begin to make our journey to my aunt's house.

   In front of the house I ask Johnny if he would like to come inside. He unfortunately said he was not ready and I understood because after all we did just meet. He kisses me as we walk to the top of my steps and tells me that every minute we stay apart he will be in complete agony. I blush so hard a nasty sounding giggle completely falls out of my mouth. He thought it was the cutest thing in the world because he actually laughed so loud and gave me the biggest hug after we part from the steps. I open my door after blowing him a kiss and shriek.

  I run up to my room only two seconds after parting from the most princely man I have ever dated. Johnny Depp is more than just a man he is a gentle, funny, loving, wonderful man and I wouldn’t trade any of the time I have had with him. These thoughts I have of him in my head never fade as I prepare to begin the second day of Private Resort. I literally am wearing a robe because I know I will be supplied with clothing as I am a huge part of this movie.

 The taxi driver I usually call sends his friend because I blew away his compliments and his date offer when Johnny took me in his arms and paid for my taxi fee. His friend was appalled as I came out to greet him in a robe and flip flops. He just shacks it off and says, “My friend said you were a beauty but I never thought I’d get you this quick.” I leap out of that cab so fast that I almost lost a flip flop. I call Johnny right up and he jumps in his car and speeds the whole way to my house. He sees the cab driver and almost beat the shit out of him. I hurry to grab him and plant a giant kiss on his lips as a tear drops down my cheek. Johnny knew to calm down and I believe that one tear drop started to make our relationship evolve into a loving relationship.

I just yell to the driver, “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” and that is when he slammed hard on the gas and drove straight back from where he came from. Johnny couldn’t stop laughing after I yelled that because he never thought in a million years that I could ever curse. I start to sound like a sewer rat because I want to become more comfortable with John. He could not believe how much I cursed. Johnny became so comfortable around me he let out a fart on the way to the studio. I was in complete shock at first but then erupted with laughter. The embarrassment I made him feel at that moment seemed to have made him turn into a tomato. To make him feel better I smacked a kiss on his cheek and let out a silent but deadly fart. We laughed and smiled our whole way to work.

As we approached the stage entrance, Johnny parked his Porsche and walked around to open my door. He grabs my hand and we slowly enter the door. As we walk inside we are instantly taken away from one another. Johnny pulls me in for a quick kiss every possible moment that we weren’t working. In between scenes we would ask for a “water break” just to make out for a little bit. Then we would say “Oh, our makeup is smearing” and make out again. Everyone grew jealous of our relationship that half the girls claimed they will beat the shit out of me. I knew they were just bullshitting until after the last scene of the day.

Amy, who is just an extra on set, comes over to me and tries to get in my face. She keeps implying how she and Johnny were supposed to be together. I almost split that bitch in half until Johnny walks over to me and says, “Dara, You made a new friend? Hi, I’m Johnny Depp and I play Jack.” I start dying laughing at this point because I knew John heard exactly what Amy was saying about him and he did that to be an ass. I was fine with that because she was trying to hurt me and Johnny defended me. I knew at that moment that I was in complete and total love with this man.

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