Dinner and a movie

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~Time skip~

You both looked at what you did and high fives each other. Someone knocked on the door and you both looked over, it was Charlie. "Angel Dinner is ready! Oh! And if you see (y/n) can you tell her? I knocked but she didn't answer. Okay well I'll be downstairs if you need me!" You heard her footsteps fading as she walked away. "Well looks like it's Dinner time. Should we show them what we did?" You smiled "Yeah I think we should. I also kinda wanna see their reactions, especially Charlie, I have a feeling she'd like this." Angel picked up Fat Nuggets and you both walked out.

You both ran down the stairs to the dining area and saw everyone getting their food and sitting down. You and Angel smiled at each other and walked to the entrance of the dining area. You stood at the entrance and spoke loudly "Charlie! We have someone who wants to help here at the Hotel!" She perked up and her smile was big. "Oh my gosh, really?! Who is it?"

Angel walked in with Fat Nuggets all dressed up in a little Hotel uniform that you and Angel made.
"EEEEEEEEE!" Charlie squealed and ran over to Angel. Everyone at the table had flinched at her squealing, so did you and Angel. She held Fat Nuggets "He's so adorable!! I love his little outfit!" She hugged Fat Nuggets tightly "Oink" and gave Angel Fat Nuggets back and gestured for us to come and eat. Angel Put Fat Nuggets down and the little pink pig started running around the hotel. You and Angel grabbed your plates and sat down.

You noticed there was a seat empty and you realized who was missing. "Where's Alastor?" just as soon as you asked, he responded "I'm over here, dear!" You look back and see Alastor coming out of the kitchen with a pot. "What's that?" You asked raising a brow. "Why it's Jambalaya! My mother's recipe!" He opens the pot and the smell hits you.

Your mouth started to water a bit. "May I have some?" "Of course!" He responded happily. You got some of the Jambalaya and ate It. Tasted. Amazing! You ate the rest that you had on your plate. "Careful dear, you could possibly choke." He Chuckled after saying that. "yeah, I'll slow down" you giggled.

~Time skip~

After Dinner, Charlie told everyone that she wanted to have a movie night in the theater room and everyone agreed. You all walked into the elevator while Alastor just snapped his fingers and he appears in the theater room.

Everyone walked out the elevator into the hall where the theater room was. You all walked in and saw Alastor had popcorn for everyone and there were pillows and blankets that you all could use too.

"Al what's all this?" Angel asked while looking at everything. "Well I thought I could make movie night more entertaining with all this!"

Vaggie glared at Alastor. "Alright..."

Everyone picked a seat and got a blanket and one or two pillows to use. You sat down in your seat which was right next to Alastor and husk.

What movie should we watch?" Everyone blurted out a different movie so Charlie thought of something. She grabbed Husks hat, some peices of paper, and pencils.

"Hey!" "Sorry husk, but how about we each write down the movie we want to watch and out of the first three that I pick, I'll pick two and flip a coin, then the movie that won that round will go against the third movie, and whichever wins that round we'll watch. Sound fair?" Everyone agreed and each wrote down the title of the movie on their piece of paper, then put it in husks hat. Charlie mixed the peices of paper and grabbed three.

"Alright the movies are, Endgame, Cinderella (The 2017 one), and... Poltergeist." You never liked horror movies. Sure you loved to watch scary videos and read articles about spirits and what not, but after a while it would start to scare you just a bit and you'd be fine. But when it's a movie, oh boy..

Charlie picked Endgame and Cinderella first. She flipped the coin and Cind won that round. You were happy because that was the movie that you had picked, meanwhile nifty seemed a little disappointed.

Maybe she had picked Beauty and the Beast?

You looked back at Charlie who was about to flip the coin for Endgame and Poltergeist. You kept hoping and wishing that Poltergeist wouldn't win. You felt kinda nervous and Anxious and it seemed like Alastor (who was sitting beside you) Noticed. He put his arm around you and gave you a little side-hug which seemed to help you calm down a bit. He moved his arm away and you looked at charlie.

Charlie flipped the coin and it landed on Heads... "Looks like we're watching Poltergeist!" You gulped

You heard a lot of people say how terrifying it was and heard rumors that people died while in the making of it. You didn't think it was true but it sure did scare you.

As the movie started you grabbed a pillow and tried to keep yourself calm.

~mini time skip~

During the movie, a jump-scare made you yelp and jump a bit. You covered yourself with the blanket so that you wouldn't see the screen. Alastor saw you get scared and he put his arm around you again. Only this time, he didn't move it away. He kept his arm there. You lifted the blanket a little and looked at Alastor. "Well he seems to be enjoying the movie."
You covered yourself again and somehow, you managed to fall asleep during the horror film.

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