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"He's so annoying to work with."

I said this to one of my closest friends, about a sly coworker.
"Really? What does he do to frustrate you so much?" She looks at me, flabbergasted.

"He's just... a jerk, you know? The kind that takes his sweet time during a work rush, flirts with the customers, or doesn't ever apologize when he knows he was in the wrong." I find the words flow perfectly.

• • •

I watch the steam from the coffee brewing swirl in the air. I then transfer the coffee into a mug, and hand it to one of our regulars, Stevie. She smiles at me, grateful for the service.
Wiping my hands on my apron, I watch as Timothee emerges from the back room.
"Are you going to help me up here? You know it's work for a reason right?" My tone is irritated.
He rolls his eyes, tussling his hair a couple times before walking toward me. His gaze meets mine, and bends down a little to get at my face level. "Whatever you say, doll."
His face was so close I could kiss him, not saying I wanted to, also not not saying that...

The heat between our faces makes my stomach feel tight. He walks right past me, returning to the customers assistance. I couldn't help but maintain my stare on him as he used his charms and nonchalant attitude on some blonde girl telling her order. Even the way he stands bothers me. The way his relaxed green eyes look at people made me resent him. Why? Perhaps frustration and realization that he could never be as bothered with me the way I am with him. In his mind, I am but a fleeting thought.
"Oh my pin?" He smiles, as if he hasn't brought it up before. The blonde girl lightly touches his enamel pin, which was a cute little bee.
"Thanks, it's thrifted actually." He is having a full conversation with this girl about his bee, which gets compliments everyday.
"Yeah it was only 50 cents..."
Their voices feel distant as I make my way to the bathroom. I didn't wanna hear anymore, and definitely didn't want to hear how it would end. An image of him pulling out his phone and exchanging numbers with her popped into my mind.
My reflection stared back at me as I adjusted my hair, attempting to settle my annoyance. As much as I hate to admit, this envious feeling wasn't foreign to me. It only took me a few seconds to realize in fact, that I have a crush on my coworker.

. . .

After 5 minutes, I leave the restroom feeling refreshed and level-minded.
"Wish we weren't so understaffed today." He sighs. It appeared that the customer he was flirting with earlier had left the shop. Timothee leans against the counter, arms crossed. One of the other workers called out, leaving us to close the store alone.
"Well the day is almost over and we survived, didn't we?"
"Eh, thanks to my hard work." A sly smirk rests on his face.
"Hard work? You mean sitting in the back and eating all the pastries?" I comment, making my way to the back of the store. I felt his presence as he followed shortly after me.
"Woah now, the glazed cream puffs are a guilty pleasure." Timothee raises his hands up in defense. "Have you tried those bad boys?"
"Pft no, it's not like I make them or anything." I couldn't help but smile as a sarcastic tone leaves my lips. It seems he has forgotten who bakes all the pastries every morning. Timothee is silent for a moment before looking at me with an expression of approval.


The sun had set over the horizon, painting the sky with shades of purple and pink. This was the first time Timothee and I closed alone together, and surprisingly we got along better than I thought we would.

"So uh, where you headed?" He sat comfortably on the counter, seeming curious as I grabbed my bag out of the small cubby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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