chapter seven

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chapter seven
a change, indeed

You shook your head, determination shining in your eyes. "No, I don't accept this. I know you know this, Tobio."

The boy looked at you for a moment, then looked back at his homework, and then back at you again. That was where his gaze stayed, his eyelids drooping slightly and his lips curling downwards. No, he didn't know this...

"Come on, we went through this last week. I know you didn't forget this," you whined desperately, picking up the paper and waving it in the younger boy's face. His eyes connected with yours again, almost guiltily. He shifted his gaze down and to the side again. Actually...

"You forgot. You actually forgot, huh?" you mumbled, face blank as you thought of all the possible ways to jump out of the window.

The boy's cheeks flushed slightly. "Sorry, Y/n-senp—"

"—No. Y/n. Just Y/n. I call you Tobio, you call me Y/n," you interrupted him, placing the paper and pen back on the table with a sigh. You leaned back in your chair, absentmindedly twirling a strand of your hair between your fingers.

You were thinking, and this time not of various ways to jump out of windows. No, you needed a way to help Tobio, even if you yourself didn't know why you needed this.

After all, your lust for revenge had admittedly burned out pretty quickly, and your anger at Tooru went along with it. There was no longer any real need for you to tutor the boy, since annoying Tooru, as fun as it was, no longer was something at the top of your to-do list.

But you supposed that you did like Tobio. He was an idiot, yes, that was granted, but he was a smart idiot, in some way, if that made any sense. He was also interesting, and above all, kind to you, in the ways he could be, for reasons you didn't quite know.

"You're good at volleyball, right?" you asked the boy suddenly, already knowing that the answer was 'yes'. You didn't ask the question to know if he was good at volleyball, because frankly, you couldn't think of anything that would interest you less, no, you asked because you wanted to see how Tobio would answer this question.

You squinted your eyes at him, and upon hearing your question, the boy straightened in his seat, his eyes widening slightly. The tips of his hair looked to be charged with electricity as soon as his mind went into that familiar territory: volleyball.

"I am!" he burst out, "but I want to get better, so that I can be like Oikawa-san!"

Huh, it was unfortunate how much Tobio liked Tooru. Unfair, really.

You sighed, looking up at the taller dark-haired boy. "Well, then, I guess I'll think of something to help you. Look over what we did today, and uh, you can get to practice now."

It wasn't all for nothing, you realized, because Kageyama Tobio did have determination in him.

"Thank you!"

The boy bowed, and an expression of relief settled on his face when he realized that finally, he had been liberated. No more math.

BRILLIANT Y/N. HAIKYUUWhere stories live. Discover now