Part 2

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Nai finally went out from the director's office and as he expected his boyfriend was waiting for him. And he definitely know how paranoid his boyfriend can be, everything makes him worry even the little things.

So Nai smiled at his boyfriend, a gesture to tell him that he is fine, and the man got it--which instantly lit up his handsome face.

"After the practice, will you crash to my dorm?" Nai asked his boyfriend.

The latter nodded happily as a response, it has been awhile since he went to Nai's dorm. It's so obvious that the giant was happy to hear Nai ask that.

And that was all because Nai prohibited him to go to his dorm since they have so many events at public places for the past days. If he let himself and this giant sleep in one room, Nai knew what could happen.

The couple went back and continued to practice.

After a long and tiring day, night came.

The practice finished at exactly midnight.

As usual, Nai and Joong went home together which was not a suprising thing for their workmates, they all knew how close the two are.

But sometimes both of them have their own world, stirring up some curiosity about them. Their workmates-slash-friends would often to ask what's "score" or "level" of relationship do they have.

But even how many hard they try to ask, Nai would always deny it.

The couple took a cab and went back to Nai's dorm. After arriving and getting out of the cab, they walked in a dark entrance of the dorm.

Nai gasped in surprise when he felt Joong's hand holding his hand he smiled secretly and did the same--but some time passed he felt how their hands slowly let go and instead they held each other with their fingers.

They both know that even it was dark at night, they can't risk anything because even though it's late at night people might still see them.

They walked in silence until they reached Nai's room.

Nai unlocked his door, he turned to Joong and was about to warn him but then his boyfriend-- who is two times bigger than him lifted him up in a hug position like his weight was nothing.

Nai couldn't do anything but cling his legs to the latter so he won't fall as his giant boyfriend is busy attacking him with neck kisses.

Nai though didn't want succumb to his boyfriend, so he clinged to him and initiated wet kisses to his lover's lips. Whenever his boyfriend would make move to him, he would return them back. He has no plan to lose at anything even with his own lover.

When they had to breathe, Joong broke the kiss and proceeded to go to Nai's bed. Gently, putting Nai down to the bed.

The younger lad stopped and stared at his petite small boyfriend who is still catching his own breathe.

"Finally..." He mumbled.

Nai chuckled and then between his breathe, he asked, "Did you miss this so much?"

"Not just that, I miss everything about you, not just your body but also your sweet voice, your lovely stares, your warm hugs and your intimate kisses. Everything." Joong uttered. Which sounded like he's confessing again for the first time his words were so sweet like candy.

Nai smiled but in a speed of light his smile disappeared and became a smirk.

"What are you waiting for?" Nai asked, provoking the wolf in front of him by lifting his thick hoodie jacket. Which his boyfriend soon found out he was wearing nothing beneath, all this time.

Revealing his blank slate skin, that Joong would always find attracting. He was surely an artist, he likes to make some art to milky white things such as canvas and Nai's body was no different, Joong would always find himself marking and creating sensual art to his lover's body every love making they would have.

Today, he just surely want to do more than that.
He then thought about a medium-deep marks, --bites.

"Today, I will not hold back phi. Prepare your body and soul for me." The wolf declared like he just found his beautiful prey.

That night was a long and tiring one.


Sun rose, making the room filled with it's light. Nai woke up feeling pain all over his body specially at his sore thighs and down 'there'.

He touched his bite marks and let out an inaudible sound as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"This prick went all out again." He mumbled as he stared at the sleeping attractive face of his lover, feeling down-- his eyes went to the his room's window where the sunlight comes in.

He stared over the window and as long time he spend to stare, the deeper his thoughts dig.

He let out sigh.

"I'm going insane." He whispered as tears starts to pour down to his face.

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