Part 3

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Play ▶️ "Letting Go" - Day6

Nai wiped his tears and heaved yet another sigh.

Meanwhile, Joong stretches his hand and his hands automatically looked for his lover. Finding no one, his eyes opened immediately.

And as he saw Nai's body covered with his marks he was both proud and worried about it.

"Phi.." He called as he pulled Nai giving him a back hug.

"Good morning phi." He whispered as he planted a good morning kiss at Nai's head.

Nai remained silent, unable to find words and courage to face his lover as he know what he has to do next.

But with a trembling lips, he forced himself to face his lover. His heart started to beat faster as the tension is taking over his body.

It was too heavy for him and it's taking his breathe away.

"Joong, listen to phi na?" Nai started, pulling all the courage from his gut. Clenching his fist to stop himself from crying before he could even start.

"What is it phi?" Joong responds dearly as he boop his nose to Nai's. Nai felt the shiver through his spine shaking his system that is about to give up.

"What will you do when phi is not around and you're sick?" Nai asked, Joong chuckled.

"Rest well or call for help?" Joong answered.

"Good, what will you do everyday? What is the most important thing I told you?" Nai asks again.

"To eat at time and finish my meal." Joong responded but this time, he was confused. Nai knew that he will slowly grasp the situation so he had to continue.

"Go home early, always focus on your studies, don't ever accept invites to go clubbing, if you're tired please rest, never overwork yourself, dry your sweats before taking a bath specially after work out and stay healthy." Nai cracked his voice at the last sentence.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Joong asked in a icy cold voice.

"B-because..." Nai stuttered as he hesitate to even say that word.

"Why?" Joong repeated.

"I--I'm--" Nai's eyes started to wet and the beads of tears start to fall down to his eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you, Joong Archen." Nai gathered all his strength left to say it.

Joong was unable to talk, he blankly stared at Nai's crying face.

"It's over for us,"

"You no longer need to go here, take me home, worry about me and take care of me. You are free, I am letting you go." Nai continued while crying non-stop.

"Why are you being like this? What did I do wrong? Was it last night? I'm sorry phi I will not do it again, please take that back." Joong begged weakly.

Nai was drowning in pain, seeing his love of his life hurting like this because of him  but he has to do it- for him, for Joong Archen.

"It's not because of you, it's on me. I feel suffocating- I no longer love you, Joong. It's a long time now that I fell out of love from you. And all this time, I'm just suffering when I'm with you. I'm not happy! I--I feel breathless! So please, let me go. If you love me you'll let me go." Nai lied, hoping that Joong will hate him instead but deep down he was wishing, wishing that the latter will not agree.

"Phi--" Joong approached and was about to pull Nai but Nai yelled, "Don't touch me! I am disgusted.... I f--feel disgusted by your touch." Another lie.

Joong was taken a back, heartbroken. Everything was so sudden and he has no strength to fight. He clenches his fist--messes his hair more out of frustration.

"Phi, why?!" He yelled, as he got up.

"Get out, Joong." Nai responded coldly without looking at Joong.

"Please, talk to me first phi." Joong once again begged.

"Get out!" Nai yelled.

Joong with anger punches the wall and grabbed his things-- feeling betrayed, anger and sad-- all at once. He decided to go.

Leaving Nai inside the room, crying and saying sorry repeatedly for his nong.

It was a long day-- and Nai didn't bother to eat and straightly curled up himself to the bed, hugging the pillow his lover used.

Was he broken because of what he did? Or because Joong actually gave up easily? Nai doesn't know. All he know is that-- everything is over.

His happiness was taken away.

And he was in fact the one who is at fault.

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- holding on of anything, may be a past, a memory or a person that keeps hurting us. Will only give us a damage that we may not able to fix anymore.

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