Part 5

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Play ▶️ Congratulations + I Loved You - Day6

After the winter cold-like nights were spent- a year already passed.

Nai woke up feeling his head stinging in pain, he must have drunk so much last night.

Last night, they went to a friend's birthday party and he didn't know he would enjoy that much because he isn't really a type for parties.

Nai stared at his empty room letting his self doze off like his soul had left his body but he breathe back to life when he heard his phone ringing.

🎶 I don't even know how I can talk to you now
It's not you, the you who talks to me anymore
And sure I know that sometimes it gets hard--

"Shia! It's P'phoom!" Nai cursed. Nai prayed to all god he knows before putting the phone to his right ear.

"Khrub?" He answered.

"SHIAAAA NAAAAAI!" Pavel, their leader cursed on top of his lungs.

"Oi! I'm coming! Sorry, bye!" Nai just said and hung the phone as he know that Pavel will just keep talking.

Nai hurriedly took a bath and take his ready-to- eat pudding before he left the dorm.

Nai always make sure his room is always locked as he know his members are spawn of satan.

He can still remember their first month living together.

It was totally a disaster specially when the members always go out for a drink which Nai refuse to be part of. He would always be the one to clean their mess when they go home.

So, in the end, today no one could wake him up from slumber.

If there is anything he likes about living in a dorm that it is really near to their company's building so it was just a walking distance.

Upon entering their practice room the director is already there making some speeches.

"Why are you late, Nai? Did you drink too?" The man asked, Nai rolled his eyes.

"You probably know it by now, why ask?" Nai scoffed after answering the old man.

The director couldn't talk back instead he just cleared his throat. Like a puppy who got scared by a big dog.

"Okay, I'll go now. You guys better behave we don't want any issue before we release your next album. Continue practicing." The man finally said and made his way out, trying to make himself look cool even after being shut by his own employee.

"Ohoooo, you really have no one to be scared of?" Pavel uttered but more like scolding his member who came late.

"I don't always get late it's just today! You guys forced me to drink last night!" Nai defended himself.

"But, really. Aren't you scared to our director?" Earth asked because all of them are scared of him. They know how the director play some sly games and he's totally evil.

"I don't know, It's just that he pisses me off even if he has done nothing wrong." Nai answered as he sat starting to fix his things.

Ben and Pavel looked at each other exchanging looks. A look that says they are the only people inside that room who knows why Nai has a deep hatred with the director that he never really hide to express every time.

They can still remember how everyone panicked when Nai collapsed a year ago, It happened really fast and the last thing they saw is Joong running with Nai on his arms.

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