Chapter 1 [Part 1]

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          Everyone has their problems. Some people think they're to big, others to small. It's just the way we are. We complain about are problems. We whine about everyday things that annoy us. We do it on hour, every hour. It's physically impossible not to complain at least once a day.  Were only human. Right? What If I told you that you have nothing to complain about. That your life would seem perfect compared to others. And by others I mean mine.

"Emerson I know you're angry but we had to. You know how were just barely setting food on the table, honey. I'm sorry, but it had to happen."

Had to happen. Life for my family, and I just had to get worse. And I just had to give up everything. Everything because of my no good father, and his secretary/mistress. My life will never be the same because things had to happen.

"I know." I whispered looking down at my hands. Things were ruff. My mother's daily income wasn't getting us by. Will's disability money wasn't coming in. Everything I had worked up for was gone. My college fund, my mothers secret account. Everything. My mother had bills to pay, Steven, Lucy, and I to feed. If something didn't happen soon we'd lose the house. "I just...."

"Em it's okay. Were all going through this, honey. I promise you when were okay and everything is back to normal we'll find a new Duke." She said smiling slightly. But I knew it would never happen. I knew that no matter how many jobs me and my mom got the debt dad left us in would never disappear. We'd never be okay.

"But he was my dog, mom. You can't just find another one exactly like it. He was one of a kind. I know that we're barely making it, but we could have-"

"Em don't yell at mommy." Lucy said her old, torn up rabbit hanging from her mouth. I sighed gesturing her to come here. "I'm sorry Luce. Will you ever forgive me?"

She nodded wrapping her arms around my shoulders. See Emerson this is what you should be focusing on. Not the dog. This is you're little sister. She should have the perfect life, she doesn't deserve this. "Duke will go to a good family."

I nodded leaning my head against the couch. 3 hours of constant searching, and I had yet to find a stable job. No one was hiring. I'd even went so far and placed an ad in the newspaper. Which cost me almost more than I had.

Looking up I gave Steven a small smile. He wheeled himself in his eyes tired and a frown forming on his lips. I guess we all don't have anything to say when it comes to Will.

"What's for dinner?" He asked looking up at me with his navy blue eyes that always seemed to look sadder and sadder by the hour. Eyes that were exact mirror of my own. Some even asking if were twins.Though were only 16 months apart.

"Ramon noodles and chocolate milk." I answered truthfully. The same dinner we had every night, the only thing we could afford. But sometimes we have juice instead of milk, if that's much of a difference.

"Right." Steven said wheeling out. He hadn't always been like that. There was a time when he never went anywhere with out a big smile planted on his face. I'd go so far and say he was the most optimistic person in this town. But that changed after the accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Which why we had Duke, but he was more of my dog anyway.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Just once I'd like to see my brother smile, my mother to go out with her friends, my sister to open up. I was tired of living like this. Barely making it through the week with enough money to buy the little bit of food we had.

"Emmi is everything going to be okay?" Lucy asked me placing her soft hand on my cheek. I sighed holding back the tears. I couldn't lie to her. Not Luce. My little sister who I love more then anything in the world.

"Luce I'm going to make it okay."

Okay I'm splitting this up into 2 parts. This of course is the first. I know it's kind of short but I don't want to write when I'm not thinking straight. So here's chapter 1 part 1 and more shall come very soon. Possibly tomorrow. So thanks for reading and I love you for it. Bye ;)

Falling For Perfection,Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz