Chapter 1 [Part 2]

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Chapter 1 [Part 2]

            "OMG." A loud squeal coming from the back of the class interrupted my speech. Of course I already had a guest of who it was. Amber Hills, basically you're average blonde with everything you want. Everyone loves her, well the 'cool kids'. Or whatever they're calling it these days.

"What is it this time, Amber?" Mr. Barns asked annoyed. The whole class groaned, well the ones who weren't in Amber's 'posse'. This was a regular for this class. Amber would interrupt the class, usually when the spotlight is on me, going on about something not important.

"Trey Vaughn is transferring. TO HERE." She squealed again jumping up and down with her barbie look-a-likes. Do you know how much of this I go through on a daily basis? Every single class. 8 hours a day. Monday through Friday.

Mr. Barns gestured for me to continue, clearly not caring about the situation. For everyone else it's a different story. Guys were scowling, girls were screaming, and I was really feeling the works of being a nobody.

"Guys we should totally like have a welcome party." Amber said pushing me away so she could have all the attention. Like always. Hey I was used to it. Emerson the girl who'll most likely spend much of her senior year at stop & shop, because her mother can't support he family.

I sat down at my desk sinking back as usual. This is what I look forward to everyday. Being the girl everybody just shoves around. Of course I hated. Sure I could grow a backbone and dress nicer, but that wasn't my priority. It was making sure Lucy, and Will had food on the table and clothes on their back.

"Watch out freak." Amber said plowing through me the second the bell rang. I sighed picking up my books. This is what it's like to be me. The nobody.

The second I got to the bathroom I slid down the floor. No I wasn't the girl who went in here and cried her eyes out. It was quiet and no one ever came to the back bathrooms. Supposedly it's haunted by some girl who died here, but I come here almost every day and have yet to see a ghost.

Free period was bliss. There wasn't someone telling me I couldn't have this or couldn't have that. I wasn't being bullied by cray blonde chicks. I wasn't feeling guilty from buying lunch instead of grocery's. This is how I stay sane.

I pulled the dollar out of my pocket staring at it. I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I was so hungry. But I could by something so much more valuable for all of us with this. Who am I kidding? It's a dollar Em, just go buy some chips or something. I pulled myself up, examining myself in the mirror.

I had always been called every name in the book, but I didn't get it. I didn't have bleach blonde hair, or super tan skin. So what? Nobody's perfect, not even Amber.

Sighing I left the bathroom and headed for the nearest vending machine. I took my time walking slower the usual. The bell would ring soon and the hall ways would be bustling. I had lunch next so I didn't matter which way I went. But unfortunately I never made it. 

"IT'S TREY." A girl screamed running out of her class room, followed by tons of girls from each class. I, of course, was trampled in this act and ended up on the floor. I laid my head back and stared at are mascot that was plastered right on the ceiling. I tilted my head to the right and gave it another look.

"Um are you okay?" I looked over and freaking Orlando Bloom was standing over me. Just kidding though I wish. Instead was Trey Vaughn.

I looked up at him confused. He was dressed in casual jeans, white shirt, and black leather jacket. I bit my lip. "Yea."

Oh by the way he didn't offer a hand to even help me up. Jerk. I stood up and looked around awkwardly. "What happened to your fan girls?"

He shrugged uninterested, before taking out his phone and texting away. I sighed, holding my throbbing arm. He looked up and it's when I noticed how bright his eyes were.

Falling For Perfection,जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें