Chapter 2

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YAY chapter 2 finally. I love everybody who read cause I'm Whats Hot List 395#. Yeah buddy. Please read and love. Kind of boring, but will get better.

         "Well it's not broken, but it is fractured. I'll prescribe you some pain relievers, and I advise you to stay off that foot. No sports for at least 3 weeks, including gym."

I nodded grabbing my pass. After me and Trey's little encounter he'd taken me to the doctor and called my mom, before leaving for some CD singing. Though I really didn't mind. Superstars can be extremely... annoying. Every five seconds his phone buzzed, and his ring tone will be forever implanted in my brain. Other than that I'm pretty sure that working for Trey Vaughn is most likely going to drive me crazy.

"Emerson let's go." My mom said angrily. She was mad because apparently this was wasting money. I really don't understand how she can go to the mall and buy clothes for herself, but get's mad when I have to go the doctors office. Including the fact that it's Trey's fault, but I didn't tell her that.

I limped towards the car awkwardly. My foot was aching... badly. My hair was all sweaty and gross, and tomorrow when morning comes and I have to get up and go to Trey's house to be his personal slave I'm pretty sure it ain't going to be pretty.

"I have to work late tonight so cancel whatever you have going on." She said brushing her hair to the side. How had it come to this? My mom didn't work late tonight, not if she's working at a bar and her job is to drink in till she doesn't know who we are. My mom's life is spiraling out of control and she's trying to take us down with her.

Lying my head on the cold window I sighed. Things were going to get better. I wasn't going to let my mom make are lives miserable. I wasn't going down with her. Lucy, Will, and I were a family; my family and I had to take care of them with or without my mother.

Sometimes I missed my dad. He used to read me to sleep when It rained outside. I would purposely make myself stay awake in till I couldn't do it anymore. He would tuck me in and read me a story, before singing me to sleep and turning on my night light. But there is no one to read me to sleep. Tuck me in. Turn on my night light. I'm all alone, and there's no one to sing me to sleep.

"I'll be back around 6. Okay." She said briefly before packing out of the drive. I stared up at are two story brick house that I had loved so much when I was younger. But that was so long ago. The tree's were dying, the grass was dead, the windows were dirty. And suddenly I knew what I was going to do.

Grabbing the cleaning supplies I went through the whole house, with music turned up so loud that I couldn't here myself think, I cleaned everything. I swept the floors. I made the beds. Cleaned out the fridge. Washed the bathtub, toilet, and sink. I scrubbed everything in till it glistened.




I shut off the music and stared up. Steven was in the doorway a look of horror struck on his face. He wheeled in almost sliding against the floor.

"Careful. I just moped that."

He glared at me. Hard. "What are you doing. Em what is going on."

"Nothing's going on." I said grabbing a dish and wiping it dry. It was already dark outside, and I was starting to lose the buzz from my 4 coffees earlier.

"Em you're cleaning. You never clean. You hate cleaning." He said throwing his hands up in the air. I looked away from him putting the dishes away. "So tell me what's going on."

"Mom left, and I don't think she's coming back." I sighed placing my hands on the sink. "She had clothes in the back. Her jewelry box. Her mirror. Everything she owns.

"She could have been selling it for money. She could be dropping it off somewhere. She could-."

"Read my lips, Steven. Mom left. She doesn't care about us. The only reason she stayed was because of your disability money, and where ever she's going I but you she's taking it with her. "

He looked down a frown forming on his face. He looked.... defeated. I guess we all are. What do you expect when you mother, the person who gave life to you, leaves you. Just picks up and leaves without any explanation or warning. It hurt. It hurt so bad that I used the only thing to make it better. I slid down the counter and placed my head in my hands.

"What are we going to do? How are we going get by? How are we going to go on? Emerson answer me." Steven yelled. I looked up at him tears hot, and pouring down my face. I had no idea what we were going to do. The only job I had was... Trey. He could help. Maybe if I begged or worked more hours. I could get him to agree to something.

"We're going to try."

"Try. Is that all you have to say. Our mother just left us and all you have to say is we're going to try. I can't believe you." He laughed shaking his head. I glared up at him standing as I did.

"What do you want me to say, Steven? That everything isn't going to work out. That we'll be split up and never see each other again."

"No Em, I want you to say that were going to make it. That we'll be okay. That mom will come back and things will get better." He said letting his head fall down. I placed my hands on both of his face lifting it up.

"I don't know if I'll be able to lie to you, because I have no clue what's going to happen to us, Steven. But I do know that I'm going to do everything I can do to make sure that we make it."  I said staring back into his eyes.

"Just how long will your optimism last, Em."





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2011 ⏰

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