Chapter 3 "meeting divinus magia"

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 Brandon stop hugging and stared at the two who came in, I turned my head to them seeing a man with black hair, a green bandana and green eyes, and a short girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"But Mario" the girl said walking more into the hall.

 "No buts" the man who's name is Mario said. 

"Ahem" Brandon and Richie said at the same time, both the girl and Mario turn to face us. 

"Oh hey Richie, Brandon, David and" the girl pause and looks at me " who is this?" 

"Well Kit if you must know this is Lukas and angel from a different dimension" Brandon.

"What? Like you and Richie?" Mario

" Yes but he does not come form Solonde" he turns to face me" actually you have yet to truly tell us what your world is like" Richie

"Oh um well my dimension is very different then yours as you can tell by me being an angel, the world of supernatural beings is really what I would call it, everyone there are basically supernatural." Me 

"That's so cool" kit

"Indeed it is" Brandon

"Yeah there vampires, werewolf, witches, wizards, demons and more, those are just the ones I know people are" me

"Can we meet some of them?" Kit

"I don't think so, sorry there back in my dimension" me   

"Anyways me and my brother should bring him to the council meeting we have later on" Richie
Brandon nodded at what his brother said

"indeed shall we head there now?" Brandon asked his brother. 

"Of course, we'll Lukas, brother let get going" Richie stated while getting off of the chair followed by Brandon and myself. 

"Will we see Lukas again?" Mario asked. 

"Maybe, if we can find a way home for him then no" Richie said. 

"Okay well it was nice meeting you Lukas" Mario waved goodbye. 

As me, Richie and Brandon left the others waved goodbye. Brandon started to hover above the ground I believe with his magic. 

"It will be faster if we fly there, brother I'll put you in a air bubble" Brandon said with his cold demeter. Richie and I both nodded to this as what looks to be air form around Richie and makes a sphere that lift him off the ground.

"Let's go then" 


376 words 

A meeting of universe ( Actualboatnose au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن