Chapter 5 " The First Guild Meeting"

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"FINALLY we made it" I hear Richie's voice call out.


"Yes and I see Lukas is already here" Brandon said as I wave to them.
"Ah Brandon and Richie glad your here, now will wait for the others and then you'll explain why Lukas is here" GMJ
"Of course, it's quiet an interesting reason" Brandon explain as he lands next to me and pops Richie's Buble on the other side of me. So I'm now surrounded by both of the guild leaders.
"You where definitely not kidding when you said you fly fast" Brandon stated.
"Yeah but I'm not the fastest, Brandon, Michael, imp and Rian are all is faster then me. But then there Devin we are around the same speed but we also can't forget about the vampires when there bats there a bit slower." I start to ramble.
"What in the world are you talking about?" Michael asked
"Again this will be explained when everyone gets here" Brandon turns to me.
"You have a big mouth don't you?" He ask and I nod. We stayed in silence till two others arrive a lady with pink hair and a man with a panda hat took a spot on there own pillar.
"Well now that everyone is here let's start the meeting with probably the question most of you have who is the blond boy with the white wings, correct" GMJ said as most of the guild leaders nod.
"Please introduce yourself again, Lukas" GMJ
I walk a bit in front of Brandon and Richie.
"Well um my name is Lukas and I'm an angel from a alternate universe where instead of wizard and mages, where supernatural. And I believe you all also have a counter part that's over there." i explain
"Well I was not expecting that" GMJ
"I think none of us where, Grand-Master" Michael
"Well do you guys know any possible ways I could go back home as where currently dealing with a massive treat that could kill all the Supernatural, if we don't stop it" me
They stayed quiet in thoughts till
"I think Jakey once told me that him, lopho and Kay got sent to a different dimension by his magic so we could try that?" Bri
"That could work" Michael
"Well then after the meeting Bri shall take Lukas here, to Jakey" GMJ
"I'm going with them also" Brandon
"Okay well then it's confirmed after this meeting Lukas and Brandon will be taking by Bri to meet Jakey to send Lukas back home" GMJ said as the others guild leader nods.
"Okay well then Lukas could you wait on the lower floors while we finish this meeting we have important things to discus" GMJ
"Of course ill wait" I say as I jump off the platform and hover down to a lower layer.
"You know you could've walked" I hear Richie yell
I laugh a bit ' this place is a lot more lively, there no wars, no treat that will kill them all, no wild Hunt' I sit down against a wall to finally relaxed a bit.


501 words

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