Chapter Two

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As usual,i was sitting beside a girl named Hanna who never talk to me.She didn't even speak to everyone.

I tried to avoid Luke or his pals.

"Hey,heard about the frat party tonight?"to my surprise,it was Michael,his thick eyeliner almost scare me to scream.He leaned closed to my ears,at my back.

"Yeah."i said.Though I'm not comfortble having him as near as this.

"You have to come."he demanded.

"I'm not going,sorry."

"We invited that weird gay,Sandy,his name?we'll gonna kill him dead if you didn't came."

"What?Are you crazy?!"i wrinkled my forehead.

"Yeah,so you better come or your friend will gonna dead."

"He is not my friend."

"Whatever.But you have to come or something bad will happen to him."

"Are you trying to scare me,Michael?"

"Yeah,so you have to cooperate,okay?"

I still confuse why i have to came though I'm not a part of the fraternity.

"Six in the evening,tonight.Luke's house.I guess you know the address."

"Y-Yeah but-"

"You have to look pretty tonight.Remember,youre going to a party,not church.Or if you ever need my help,just call me on the phone."he left me with his smile.

My mouth drops opened.I don't remember I agreed to go to the party,but it seems I have no choice.

And Sandy?what will they gonna do with the poor guy?I'll never forgive them if something happen to him.

"Hey,Katherine,you ready?"The party's about to start.You want me to get you ther?"it was Michael,yelling on the phone.I hear the loud musics and the screaming.

"Where's Sandy?"i asks instead.

"He's here!Pink shirt,blue and orange necktie,brown pants with a very shiny shoes.Like blah,blah,blah.He's so cute and you know I'm don't like cutes!"

I roll my eyes."Do I really have to be there?I'm not part-"

"Katherine."his words warned me.

"Okay,but..are they coming too?I mean your pals?"i frowned.

"Course yeah!It's Luke's house,remember?"

"Stop yelling!"

He laughs."I'm not yelling!It's just too noisy here!"

I was standing in the mirror,holding a white short dress while speaking on the telephone.

My mom gave it to me,one year ago.On my fifteenth birthday.And i guess this will be the first time I'm wearing it

"You have to be here.Sooner.Uh,wait.Did you have dress?don't ever try to go here with your t-shirt or jeans or sneakers.I want you to look pretty,can you?"

"You're just too demanding."

"I know.So,I'll pick you up there.Wait for me,okay.I'm coming.I'll borrow Luke's car."

"But did you know the address?"i crinkled my forehead.

"Of course."he snap and hang up the phone before I could make a response or flood him with ask.

How did he know my house?Wait.Is it really Michael Clifford I'm talking with?And what he's trying to do when I arrive there?Whatever it is,someone would get in danger if i didn't came.I don't trust Michael or anyone but I don't bare to let this people hurt the poor gay.
Come on,Katherine Jane.Just this one night...

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