Chapter Three

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I left Michael with his words outside.I walks inside,hoping nobody would get notice of me.

Rock musics blaring everywhere as I sat on thecouch not far from the crowds.Different lights circling to the dancing peoples.

I recognized some faces from the school.I saw Calum,in the middle of three dancing girls with a cup of beer,giggling and I just shook my head when his hand landed on the blonde girl's back down to her buttocks.And I can see she likes it,as much as Calum.

Who am I to judge?

"Wants one?"

I turn to look at the punk man besides me,holding a bottle of beer.He has a bandana on his head,a piercing on his left side below lips and has many tattoos on the arms.

I shook my head,"No,thanks.I don't drink."

He smiled.Or should I say he just moved his lips."Okay.Suit yourself,"

I nodded.I looks around again,I don't know but I felt my eyes searching for someone.

Then my eyes landed on a tall boy sitting not far from where I was.He was talking with a girl,smiling along the noisy crowds.

The way he smile..Ah,Ashton.

All my life,I've been missing this old friend of mine.He didn't left,he wasn't gone but he just changed..he became my hater,my bully and I don't know why.

The memories of my childhoodness flashed back in my mind.He was the cutest lovable and friendly young boy and I was the little girl.We was the little dreamers.We always went in the beach,bringing the guitar with me and we both singing while our feet hitting by the sea water as we sat on a huge rock.

He used to be my brother,the only friend and family that I had since my dad left me.But then he pushed away from me..

"Look who the hell is here."

I suddendly looks up on someone who spoke at my back.

A yellow haired tall guy stands infront of me,two other punk guys behind him.His eyebrows met as he look at me.

I remember him..,please.Not
Two days ago,was walking down the street,I saw a young boy crying.His things messed up besides him and I couldn't just walk away from him.
"Hey,kid.What happened?"i asks,
He looked up on me,and i saw his lips swolen.Dried blood at his left side lips.
He didn't answer,but just lend his face on his knees.
"W-Who did this to you?"I asks,
"You couldn't help even if I tell you,just go."he told me.
"No,you should go home.I bet your mother's waiting for you now."
"I couldn't go home now!"he yells,crying out loud."Those guys stole my mother's money,do you know that?"he pointed his fingers.
I glance to the three tattoed guys who was painting the street walls.
"My mother worked hard for it to buy me a new book..."he added,hopeless.
These boys should teach some lesson.They're inhuman.They're bully.They're bad.
"Gotta problem there,bitch"one of them asks,tall,skinny,yellow hair and skin,and has a lot of collection of tattoes and piercing.
I found myself walking towards them.I am just a little for such big dudes like these three but how could they abbuse young people just to earn money?
"Give that boy's money back."I said as I stand on the space between them.
They looks at me,kinda confusing,then look at each other and suddenly burst into laughing.
"Who?That boy?"he points to the young boy's direction.I noticed he were watching not far.Unsure of what I'm gonna do as I am.
"Go home ,little crap!"he uttered,laughing
"Just give it back to the him."i said with trembling voice,I don't know if it's because I'm scared of what would they gonna do with me or I'm angry because they're such a bad."His mother worked hard for it.Couldn't you feel pity for him?he's just a boy and you all a monsters!"
He just laugh at me again.Yellow teeth showing as he looks at me with pure adoration?
"You dumb fuckin' stupid!Go home!."
My blood boils of suddenly hatred and madness i felt for this men.
I just watch him as he pulled out a money from the back pocket of his jeans.
"Is it this?Well you go get it!C'mon,sissy girl,haha!"
They all laugh as they circling arounds me.
I moved forward to the guy who was handling the money.
I kick on his between legs.Hard.So hard.I guess he didn't expect that.Then quickly grab the money from his grip.I saw his eyes met and legs met and before I sneak away i heard him cry.
"Run!"i said to the boy that was so surprise that time.He's just watching by.
He quickly ran with me.They were chasing us now.
"Hey!You fucking dumb girl!"
"I'm going to kill you!"
"Did you saw it,man?she kicked my balls!And I think I just pooped myself now,holy shit!"
I run with the kid,trying to look for a place to hide.
"How could you that brave?"he asks,running,i choose not to answer.
"Faster!"i said.
Luckily,we found the back of the hotel to hide.We were chasing our breaths as our back rest on the wall.I closed my eyes.
"I think we've lost them.Here,"i gave him the money.
He stares at me and I felt confuse by the way he smile.He didn't even look at the money as he took it by the hand and pushed it to his bag."Thank you.You're so brave.I didn't expect that from a girl like you.By the way,I'm Jakey,"
I smile and shoake his waiting hands."Katherine.Where you from?"
"From Nashville,"
Luke and his pals lived there,I've heard."I'm from Charlotte,nice to meet you."
"I'm twelve years old."he said."And you?"
"Really nice to meet you,Katherine.Thanks for getting back my money from those,it's from my mother.But I have to go now.Hope to see you again,bye!"he waved his hands and run away.
I watched him and sigh before deciding to go home.

Still Katherine's Pov

"You're that freaking stupid hero!"he yells and I felt every eyes glued on us.

"Yeah,that's her,bro."said the other one.

"I'm gonna get back on her."

It's bad...

"Hey,hey,hey.What's up dudes?"

A tall boy stands infront of me.It was Michael.

"Oh,yeah,Michael.We're very thankful you did invite us here.That girl kicked my balls exactly two days ago!"

"Because you took the boy's money!"I said,thankful for Michael's presense.I think he came to help.

"I didn't took anybody's money!"the yellow-haired guy yells.

"You did!His mother worked for it!And you have no right to took it away!"I protest.

"Oh,yeah?Well you didn't know that clever boy!"he's really angry but I don't feel scare."He's Luke Hemming's little crap brother.And he have fooled you that we took it from him just to get the money from us.How could you been so foolish to believe to that fucking liar!"

My mouth dropped open.Couldn't believe what I've just heard.I hurt this man just because I have fooled by a twelve years old boy!

"What's the matter here."

I glance to the hurrying boy.It was Luke,in his red checkered polo shirt,tight black jeans,he was confused as I am.

Then I came to notice a familiar boy stands behind him,listening and watching.

"I-It w-was him.."i said,in panicking voice.I pointed on him.Jakey.I was stupid.How could I've been so foolish?

"I-I'm sorry Katherine..I didn't mean to-"

"What are you saying,Jakey?You know her?"asks Luke.

"Go the fuck tell him Jakey!You've just fooled her to get the money fron us!"the yellow haired guy yells again.

"Y-Yeah,Luke.I've met her and..."says Jakey and I frozed as I looks angrily at him.

I felt tears starting to fall down from my eyes.

"What?Oh my,good hell,Jakey.Go back in your room or I'll tell mom about it."orders Luke.

"Look,Fred.She didn't mean to do that.It's Jakey's fault so there's-"Michael says.

"What the fuck!I've pooped myself that time and you know what?I couldn't sleep myself since that night.I'm gonna kill her!Stupid hero wanna be!"Fred yells,

"Leave,Fred.Now!"Luke yells back.

"You alright,Kath?"Michael's asks to me and I turn back.Tears runs down my face as I starts to run.I wanna be away from them.As far as I could.



I found myself outside Luke's house,crying.

What Luke,Ashton,Calum and Michael used to say was all true.I'm such stupid.How could I hurt someone for being such foolish?I'd just thought that those guy took the boy's money.But It's all a lie?And that boy!I should have known it when he look like he didn't care of the 5£.And maybe he just want me to get the money.I was the theif!

"Katherine..."i didn't noticed Michael followed me."Hey.."

"I wanna go home.Please,Michael.."i beg.It was Michael Clifford I'm talking with,maybe he changed in a time or whatever but I don't care.I'm begging and I think he couldn't laugh or ignore me now.

"Jakey's Luke's brother.And he's such a liar boy.He used to trick people just to get some money."he says,and I just watch him speaks words that I couldn't bare to listen to.I couldn't even believe to hear it from him.

"Michael.."a different voice spoke from the darkness.Tall shadows appear from the darkness and I came to notice it was Luke and Ashton.

"Y-You're here.."

"I never wanted to be here.Your asshole bestfriend have blackmailed me that he's going to kill Sandy Lyle if I didn't came.And here,I have noticed that two days ago,I almost killed someone because your brother have fooled me!"I shouted,I let down tears runs down my face but i I didn't manage to wipe it now.

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