Giorno x Reader: Strawberry Blonde

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Warnings:🐴 uh yeah this is a fluff ^w^ yeah I'm basing a lot of these on music.

Giorno was your new teammate, and you could thought he had the hots for Trish, but you loved him. You came back with groceries one day and you noticed Giorno was avoiding you, but you ignored it and spent the day with the crew. You'd best deal with it tomorrow. Well tomorrow came, and he still was. You best deal with it tonight. You were too scared to confront him, scared you did something wrong. Well tonight came, and you dealt with it. He was in the manison's garden, playing with flowers and planting them. You snuck up behind him and tried to scare him, it didn't work, he saw your shadow. "Giorno.. Why have you been avoiding me?" You say looking at a flower. " because I love you.. " His mouth accidentally slipped out those words. "Then that decides it" You said and then kissed him on the cheek. You saw a tint of blush across his face, he then turned his head to you and kissed you.

I'm sorry it's short, I wanted to write this but didn't know what to write for it 😭 this is where I live 👉🎪 well it took me  17 minutes, so be proud 💔

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