Chapter 8

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"Hey (Y/N) theres a fan here to..." At the door stands Brice and teenage girl about the age of 16 with shocked expressions on their faces.

Camila stumbles off my lap and onto the floor. Normally, I'd find it pretty funny. But a fan and my rumored boyfriend have just found out that Camila and I are a little more than best friends.

I look at Camila whose on the floor and hold out a hand for her to hoist herself up with. She smiles but I can see that she's a bit hesitant. I also notice a trace of fear in her big brown eyes and immediately catch onto what it's about.

"Uhh this is my very good friend," I wink for a comedic effect (although no one finds it funny), "Camila."

Brice still looks as if he's walked in on a murder scene while the fan seems to immediately forget what she's seen. She approaches me with a wide smile on her face and a small movie poster to sign.

"Oh my god it's you!" She claps both hands onto her cheeks and jumps a bit, openly displaying her excitement. I hear the door to the room shut abruptly. It was Brice. I'll deal with him later. There's a fan in the room and somehow if I let her out of the room with the impression that there's any sort of drama happening, it'll end up everywhere.

As if almost out of instinct, I hold Camila's hand and I feel like I can pull this off. "What's your name?" I ask, trying to show half the amount of excitement she showed.

"Alexis." She smiles. She looks about 15. "I'm 15," nailed it, "and I drove to LA with my mom from up North of Oregon."

"Woah that's a long drive, huh? You deserve something. Anything I can do for you?"

"Well I just want some advice. I uhh...I'm gay. And I'm not sure how to come out to everyone. You're rolemodel. I'd love to hear what you have to say." She plays with her fingers nervously, looking anywhere but at me. I'm not sure what to say. Technically, I'm going through the same thing. Though my story may be a bit more complicated.

"Well Alexis, you seem like a smart girl so first of all, I'm going to ask you not to tell anyone anything you aren't comfortable with. If you think you're safer in the closet, stay there for as long as you need. But if you feel like you could do it, and be okay after, I want you to," I look her in the eyes, flashing her a small smile. "Second, I think that you telling me that you're gay is an incredible step toward coming out."

"Well, I kinda made the decision to tell you that after what I saw when I came in but...yeah." I look over at Camila and she's sporting a proud smirk on her lips. I roll my eyes and giggle before turning back to the 15 year old in front of me.

"Well either way, I'm proud of you for at least telling someone, okay? And I think that you should tell a friend. People usually start small by telling close friends or even practicing in the mirror."

"So you're out?" I was hoping she wouldn't ask this. My eyes shift to Camila who looks at me in a conflicted way which tells me she doesn't know what to say next.

"No... I'm not. I mean, Camila's definitely not a phase," Camila smiles warmly and bites on her bottom lip, "but we aren't official. If we do become official, I plan on telling every corner of this planet that I'm dating Camila Cabello."

"Oh," Alexis nods. "I see."

"Here, I'll give you my number and no matter how it goes, I want to be the first person you call after you come out to everyone." I smile and scribble out my number onto a random piece of paper and hand it to the younger girl next to me whose mouth is wide open.

"Oh my god! This is huge, thank you so much!" She jumps up to hug me which takes me by surprise. Over her shoulder, I notice Camila watching our interaction, beaming at me. Could I love her anymore than I do now?

"I expect that you don't carelessly give away my number. That means I'd have to change it and no one would know my number anymore, not even you," I state firmly after pulling out of the embrace. She nods but continues to smile widely. "Alright Alexis, we've gotta get to our next venue. I'll talk to you soon," I say, standing up.

"I love you, (Y/N)," I can't help but smile as the younger girl wraps her arms around me again. I whisper it back before we say goodbye and Camila and I are alone again. She stands up and wraps her arms around my neck and mine wrap around her waist out of natural habit.

"You did so well baby," she says, pecking my lips.

"Thank you, I thought so too," I peck her lips back. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom, okay?" She nods and I make my way out of the room.

After using the bathroom, washing my hands, I can't help but feel bad for Brice. All of this time I've lead him to believe that we were something. Sure, not much of anything but something. I love the guy as a friend, but he's gotta forget about being my boyfriend.

Making my way out of the bathroom start down the hallway when I see Brice exiting the green room where Camila should be. What's going on?

A/N: Let's catch up. My first semester has just ended and it took a lot of work to end it the way I wanted. I know I haven't updated in about 3 weeks but it's because of school. My usual excuse. But hey! I'm telling the truth, I promise. Anyway, I'll try to update ASAP. I appreciate comments/votes/ suggestions! Have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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