Ch. 15 "After effect"

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                                                                   Alina POV

My heavy eyelids slowly flutter open, I am looking towards the clock, and see that it's noon, my eyes widen at the time, 

I sit up quickly, to notice I'm alone in bed, I quickly make it to the bathroom to change, the problem was I was having a hard time walking if you get my drift,  

I see two hickeys on the right side of my neck, I turn my neck and three on the left, I look down at my thighs and see finger impressions 

I look at my body in the mirror and see finger impressions on my sides and hips also, love bites on my breasts,  I turn around to see the scar along my back from when I was a child and see a love bite on my shoulder blade, 

My hand started to glow green just as I was about to heal my neck, I felt someone grab my wrist, 

I look in surprise to see James, 

"No, Alina they need to know who you belong to," He said smirking down at me, 

I felt my cheeks turn red, 

"Mm, I love to see my work on you," He said as he kissed me,

"James.." I said through kisses, 

"I'm late... for... work," I said 

"Mmm, I know... Bruce.... asked about you," He said 

He finally let me go, 

"I'm surprised you are able to walk, after last night and Steve told me about this morning," James said 

I felt myself turn red, 

He smiled down at me, he kissed the top of my head spinning me towards the shower, 

"Now get ready for work," He said smacking my ass, 

after getting dressed in Dark skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt trying to cover up the love bites as much as I could, 

Every step I take is a little excruciating but I'm not telling anyone that, 

But I have to admit, being dominated by two super soldiers, it is well.... better than I could have imagined, 

Every time they touch me it feels as if electricity is pulsing through me entire body, 

Every kiss is like I can't get enough, 

And I like it, I like being wanted, not alone, being cared about, sure the feeling was new to me, but I loved the feeling 

I walked into the lab and sat down scrunching my face at the pain, 

"Well look who decided to show up," Tony said smirking 

I smirked back 

"Sorry slept through my alarm," I said 

"No problem at all Alina, now lets get to work," Bruce said 

You see the past few days we are trying to work on a formula that keeps my powers in a device so it can heal people without me using my power and wearing me down, 

But so far it has all been a bust, 

I was sitting down, as I got up I got extremely dizzy, I placed my hand on my head and the other on the table, 

"You alright?" Tony asked 

"Yeah, just feeling a little dizzy," I mumbled 

"You eat anything today?" Bruce asked 

I shook my head no, 

"It's lunch time anyway come on lets get you something to eat," Tony said 

I nodded following him out the room,

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