Love with the Perfect Neighbor

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Author's Note:

 So this is another story I'm starting. I'm not sure how this is gonna go. I thought of the idea a while ago. Tell me if you like it. Probably a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Thanks!



 My life changed forever the day I met Chris Wilde. Though I didn't know it at first.


 That was a grueling dinner. I hate family dinners. It's just sitting there in silence while pushing my food around on my plate. At least I could go out and forget myself for a while. It was exahasting being Regina Sparks all the time. I just wanna be Reggie again. Thank god I was going out with my friends tonight. I started taking off my gross uniform. I had stripped down to my bra and undies and was standing in front of my mirror. Something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I turned to window and saw a boy sitting at his desk openly staring at me.

 "Perv!" I yelled and flicked him off before pulling my shades down. I didn't even realize the new neighbors had moved in yet. I looked at my clock. It was already ten. My friends would be her soon. I slipped on a pair of black short-shorts. I decided to go simple tonight and pulled on a white spaghetti strap tank top.

 I opened my window and saw the boy's light had been turned off. Probably passed his bed time. I dropped my heels out the window and watched as they landed sofltly in the grass. I starting climbing down the tree next to my house. I had become so skilled at sneaking out in the past two years.  Sneaking back in was usually the problem. I was usually a little tipsy by the time I had to climb back up the tree. I felt my foot touch the grass. As I leaned over to pick up my shoes a shadow made me gasp and jump a little. Ugh. It was the pervy neighbor. He was staring at me.

 "What?" I sneered. "Didn't get a good enough view of me from your window."

 "Acually no." He smirked. I hate smirkers. "I great more than enough of you from my window. I'm walking my dog." I noticed the leash in his hand that was attached to a golden retriever that was sniffing around the side of his house. I rolled my eyes.

 "Yeah?'' I put my hands on my hips. "Well don't do it again. I know I'm irresistible, but your gonna have to try." He snorted.

 "Please honey. You've got nothing I haven't seen before. And don't try and act like your some sweet innocent little girl getting exposed. Judging by the way your dressed and the fact that it's 10:30 at night  I highly doubt your heading to church."

 I should have been mad that he talked to me like this, but it was acually funny. No one had ever talked to me like that before. I found myself smiling at him and he was smiling back. He was cute acually. I had blonde wavy hair, deep blue eyes, and a decent bod.

 "I'm Chris." He extended his hand. "Your ass of a neighbor." I laughed.

 "I'm Reggie." I took his hand. "The slut next door."

 "Reggie. I didn't know girls could be named that." I rolled my eyes.

 "It's short for Regina. I hate that name though."

 "So where are you headed to on this fine night Reggie?"

 "A party, and there's my ride." I pointed at my friend's car that had just pulled up in front of my house. I picked up my shoes and sauntered off towards the front of my house. I was halfway there when I heard him call out something.

 "A party huh? Can I come?" I turned around and started walking backwards.

 "Nope. It would be too much for you to handle." I climbed into the car, but not before I got one last look at his face.


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Love with the Perfect Neighbor(on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora