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Please read A/N at end its important.


There was no sign of rain to stop, it was drizzling so heavily embracing the city with Maybe in a boon or a curse. Riddhima was really very worried not knowing what to do next she had to reach hostel at any cost.

She looked at siya with tears forming In her eyes, Siya was also equally worried about her friend, But didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t find or thing of any option available.

Whereas on the other hand, no auto or taxi driver were ready to help them out. They got back inside The cafe again. They waited for another half an hour, but there was no change in the rain outside even it was getting worse.

Riddhima never ever would have dreamt about her first day being so worse. Riddhima was not in a state of mind to think about anything at the moment.

Siya Who was also thinking a lot, got a call from her mom she knew her parents were worried about her. She picked up the call and could hear the her Ass
S mom on the other side -“Where are you siya, its raining so heavily, You should be home right.” Her mom asked worried but with a strict tone as it was already Seven and her only daughter wasn’t home with the fucked up weather roaring out.

-“Mom, don’t worry I’m safe.” Answered siya keeping her calm, -“Tell me where are you and what’s taking you so time than usual.” Her mom asked again to which she casually answered –“I’m in Lotus Cafeteria, near our house.” She answered casually.

-“OK then come home fast., your father is being worried.” Her mom said before hanging up the call. Siya What still scratching her head to you think any possibility out, She couldn’t leave her new friend just like that and go home.

-“I’ve got an Idea.” Siya Squealed gaining the attention of some people who were left in cafe due to same reason as of their, while rest people of near by already left before it get more worse than imagination.

Riddhima looked weirdly at her, whereas siya smile broadly –“I’ve got a better Idea.” Siya said time in a normal voice, -“What?” Riddhima asked highly frustrated. –“Why don’t we go to my home., it's very close from here and you can go by tomorrow to hostel and collage." Suggested siya the only way she could think out., and putting all the points together it was only the way out rather than to risk off their lives.

It took a moment for Riddhima to register and process in mind, -“Nooo.” Riddhima denied instantly, Shaking her head in a big no. Siya glared at her, Riddhima understood that she was being so mean to refuse the help her friend was offering.

-“I know siya, That you want to help me, but I can’t go to your home., just think how odd it will look” Says Riddhima being right at her own place. Siya rolled her eyes at her. –“For god sake Riddhima, you have made me as your friend.” Siya paused and looked at riddhima.

-“And my parents are Humans, they won’t eat you off.” Says siya now getting hard on her, after a little Argument Riddhima was left no way to go but to agree with siya.

The other minute they were standing beside the Scotty of siya, -“Am still confused, what if my parents comes to know that am missing From hotel or warden informs them.” Riddhima couldn’t stop herself from thinking, and she being a scared ass was also no shock to siya.

Siya ignored her over thinker friend and focused on her driving. –“Are you even listening what am saying?” Riddhima says shaking siya, -“Ugh Riddhima, you think so much. But I don’t this is only way so let me concentrate and you can continue with all the possible things that are never gonna happen.” Siya says Irked by her now.

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