1. Earth to Doctor

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The Doctor dances around in the Tardis, obviously in a good mood. He hums a tune while working the controls. "Which way shall we travel in time this time? Or should I go in space!? I can't decide!" The Doctor wishes to himself that one of his companions could be there. Amy, Rose, Clara. Anyone! Just as long as he wasn't alone. He looks up right as the telephone rung. That's strange, he thought to himself, hardly anyone has my phone number. Who could it be? He picks up the phone.

"Earth to Doctor! Earth to Doctor! Come in Doctor! Do you read me?"
"I read you loud and clear Melissa!" he said to one of his old friends.
"Listen, Doctor, we got a small band of Daleks reported in the sewers. Can you check it out?" The Doctor gritted his teeth. He hated the Daleks.
"Sure thing. I'll be right over."

The Tardis materialized down on the streets of London, far enough where no one could see it. The Doctor stepped right out, wearing his normal suit and bowtie. He stepped up to a small building where he was told had an entrance to the sewers. He jumped right on down, not afraid of getting wet. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, scanning the surrounding area. Nothing. Well not until he heard the all the too familiar voice of a Dalek.

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