Chapter 1

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"Well Rubie, I think your ready." My mom said excitedly.

"Ready for what?" I asked, I have no idea what she's taking about. I have just ran my fastest time at a local barrel series.

"You don't remember the deal we made at the beginnin of the year?"

"No." I said flatly.

"Your dad and I think you're ready to start a rodeo association in Texoma!" My mom said, hysterical with excitement.

"REALLY?!" I screamed, not realizin I had spooked the horses a little, "OH MY GOSH! I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm finally ready!"

"Yes, but if you don't calm down, you'll spook your horses to the point of them runnin off!"

"Oops, sorry, I'm just so excited!" I said, turnin around to pet my horse's nose. I was so excited! I could finally begin a rodeo association! I couldn't wait to tell my friends on Monday!

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