Backstory-Leo Valdez

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Hi I'm Leo Valdez I have a mom named Esperenza Valdez and my dad left a few years ago (don't worry he's not dead) so it's just me and my mom.

We were heading out of the workshop when she said " Oops I forgot my keys I guess I will have to go get them if we wanna leave huh mijo." I just nodded in response.

I was thinking of good jokes when a voice in my head said Leo Valdez you little innocent boy. You will now know what it's like to be guilty. Your father took my family away from me know I shall return the favor to his son.

The voice stopped and freaked and ran to my mom to feel safe. I got there just as she was leaving.

I didn't realize the door had shut behind me. So we tried to open it. Using every tool we could but it still wouldn't open. "Why is it so hot in here?" I asked. My mom shrugged. We then turned around to face something we did not expect.

We turned around to find a 40 foot high wall of fire creeping up on us. The last thing I remember before blacking out were screams, sirens, and heat.

I woke up on a hospital on a bed. "Hi Leo" I looked up to see a really pretty girl with a notebook looking at me. "What am I doing here," I asked. "Well you were in a work shop with a huge fire. You survived by a miracle..." I signaled for her to go on. "Your... Your mom didn't... make it out," she stuttered. "WHAT" I roared. Then I started crying. By crying I mean sobbing that lasted a good 10 minutes. "Do you have any family left." The nurse sniffled. "What's your name" "Nurse Tia" she said. "I've got my Aunt Rosa." Nurse Tia nodded. "We'll contact her."

I was at Aunt Rosa's house. I knocked at the door. The door opened like twenty minutes later (not really) and there she was just as ugly as usual.

I was sitting on the couch when everyone comes in and glares at me. "You will never be allowed in this family. Not after you killed my sister YOU JERK." Aunt Rosa had tears in her eyes. Oh no she never cried. Tears flowing down her cheeks Rosa Valdez ran into the kitchen. Everyone gave me the stink eye then looked at each other like they had made a silent agreement. "Your not coming back to this house," said my Grandpa Jack. Grandma Jackie GJ's (Grandpa Jack) wife nodded. They were weird. They basically had the same names.

And that's how I was kicked out of the house forever and into foster care.

Wasn't that amazhang. 469 words.

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