Thomas imagine 4

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song inspiration:

Thomas had been showing concern for Y/N for some time now. She had been struggling with unemployment due to her previous place of work closing down, her mind had been away with her and her days consisted of hiding away in bed. Curtains closed, junk food filling up the side table and a vacant expression on her face. 

Thomas was doing all he could to help in between travelling for work and sorting out things with his agents. On this particular Saturday he had been out of the house all morning and was to return just before midday. 

Tired eyes and frustrated Thomas unlocked the front door to their little town house, locking it behind him as he took off his shoes. Thomas paused briefly to hear for movement, wondering if Y/N was up today. Nothing.

Thomas let out a deep sigh but then paused, he had an idea. An idea which could save this already tough day. He needed a smile, her smile. That would make the day worth it. 

Heading to the kitchen Thomas began prepping his plan and was soon heading up the wooden stairs and into their bedroom. Placing the tray down beside him Thomas moved Y/N's messy hair out of her slumbering face as he placed a few kisses upon her cheek and then onto her lips. Y/N's eyes fluttered open as she was awoken. 

"Morning you" Thomas said, his hand placed lightly upon her cheek. Y/N smiled slightly in response, realizing she had probably slept in till gone lunch. 

"I got you breakfast" Thomas continued picking up the tray once more which was holding the slices of toast and cup of tea. 

As if he had predicted so, Y/N smiled lightly as she looked to the offering. Taking the tray as she sat up, she was full of gratitude and love. 

Thomas, watching her smile at the simple gesture knew that no matter what the world threw at them. He could fix it with tea and toast. 

Thomas Brodie Sangster (Shorts and more!) Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now