Chapter 13

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Brooke was the first one I broke the news to. I sent her to the hotel spa to kindly calm the fuck down, but not before telling her we'd do the shoot tomorrow, on what was supposed to be our day off. And no, I didn't care that she already made plans to go jet skiing with Donnatella!

I also made her promise that we would meet first thing in the morning—at 6 a.m. to go over what was required from her from each and every shoot. And yes, I did pick 6 a.m. on purpose.

Everyone else would be harder to tell.

Leo was irate because he was supposed to go to this silent meditation day retreat with some ultra-hot crystal healer named Shiva. It took him 20 minutes to convince him to do the shoot tomorrow instead, but "Shiva will not be impressed."

"Can't you just call her and cancel while she's at the retreat?" I pleaded. "This way, she won't be able to yell at you!" I personally thought that was a great plan.

"Now it is me who is not impress." Leo puckered his mouth, but then added, "bella," under his breath, as if he just couldn't bear not too.

"Leo, here," I handed him my company credit card. "Use my expenses and treat Shiva to a big dinner tonight." He refused to grant me a smile but took the card. It was the best I was going to get.

Next, I called the hair and makeup team myself and begged them for their services again tomorrow, promising them double pay and coverage on Brooke's blog. (That's the least she could do for me. Besides, I already knew what to title the post: "How To Not Look Like A Bloated Trainwreck After You Stress Eat 35,000 Calories Of Pure Butter").

Then there was Samuel. I got to splash water on his face to wake him up after he fainted, which I had to admit was something I always wanted to do, so at least there's that. When I got him to come around, he was nearly more frenzied than Brooke, but finally, after more pandering, begging, and bargaining, and promising him my first born (for the record, he had little interest), I had him on a train to Milan that night to get us a new dress from the D&G archives for tomorrow's shoot.

"Don't think you're going to get away with this," he had threatened before leaving.

"I'm not trying to get away with anything," I told him. "I'm just trying to get the job done," I said, dropping my arms at my sides.

"Then try harder!" he snapped back, but soon he was gone too.

That left the desserts. Even to my novice eyes, I knew they wouldn't keep until tomorrow night. Because Dale was busy with another order, I knew this next bit was going to be the hardest.

I literally dragged my feet back into the hotel and down the hallways to the hotel's kitchens.

Stay in control of the situation, I reminded myself as I pushed the swinging door open, lock-jawed and stern-faced. Be direct and authoritative.

When I spied Dale, the first thing that struck me about him was he looked exhausted. Flour smudged his brow and his apron was as messy as a Monet. Still, he smiled when he saw me.

I kept my face unmoving, hell-bent on passing on the bad news as quickly as possible—because this is what professionals do.

"Sloane!" He said cheerfully, though he didn't stop working. "What's up? I'm afraid I only have a 30-second window to chat because I'm so slammed. I only have a few hours left to get this crazy order done."

My bones stiffened, braced. "I'm going to need longer than that. And you're going to want to sit down for this one."

"No can do, kid. What's up?" He reached up to pull a copper pot down from the rack overhead.

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