Chapter 33

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I had asked for a sign and then I guess I got one.

And in the end, it was me who ruined it. I never hated myself more than at that moment when I understood I had done this to myself...

"Sloane. I've been calling you." Stasia told me. "You didn't call me after Venice and you didn't call from Switzerland."

"You were calling me? I'm sorry, the missed calls didn't show up—"

"Please do not interrupt me. I want you to listen carefully."

I didn't dare breathe a word.

"I checked in with Ryder to see if you left any message since I haven't heard from you. He told me he hadn't heard from you either, but when I pressed him further I found out what's been going on—Samuel told him. Samuel told him everything. You missed a shoot, Sloane? And this isn't the first time you screwed up, is it? I heard the first shoot was a disaster and that Miles showed up in Marrakesh. Why am I only hearing about all these issues now? On the last week?"

I jumped in, unable to hold my tongue a moment longer, "It was my fault, but what happened was—"

"Yes, it is your fault," Stasia said with a cold interjection, slashing through my attempt at an explanation. "I'm glad you're at least aware of that, so this should come as no surprise. Swish is no longer in need of services. I'm putting Ryder on to finalize the details. Hold please."

My stomach dropped downward until it felt like it dropped right out from under me. "Stasia!" I called but it was too late. I grabbed the bed sheets under my chin like a scared child having a terrible nightmare.

"Valens!" Ryder chirped like he just ran into me at his favorite sports bar. "You heard that me and Sammy are besties? We were in the same frat! He told me everything! Like everything. He's been my little spy."


The memory of every time I screwed up came flashing back to me just then. Samuel was Ryder's spy? I replayed it through Ryder's eyes and recoiled. (And also, wait a minute, Samuel was in a frat?!)

"As a favor to me, he's been logging all your fuck ups and created plenty of fuck ups on your behalf. And today I finally got the chance to present the case to Stasia since you missed a shoot!" He laughed. "Stasia doesn't give second chances. You're out of here, effective immediately!" He cheered in the fake-happy inflection of a game-show host. He was just so goddamn jolly.

"Why?" I whispered, mouth dry and naked. I knew Samuel was trying to turn the whole team against me. "Why Ryder? Why do you hate me so much?"

"Aw, come on, Valens! I don't hate you."

"Ryder?" I said wearily. I looked around for my clothes and thought of Dale downstairs in the kitchen, waiting for me.

"Okay, Valens. Maybe I was a little jealous of you—you walked in here with your fancy degree and somehow convince Stasia to give you the gig of a lifetime? I mean who the fuck do you think you are?" he sneered.

"You did this because you were jealous of me?" I thought of all the things I did for that degree. He wouldn't be jealous at all if he knew.

"I was going to get that job if you hadn't come along," he spat. "So listen up, since this is a company phone I've canceled your service. It should be dropping out momentarily—I asked the company to put a rush on it," he said in a no-nonsense way, though I could read his joyful subtext. "Just remember to take your personal SIM card out because I cannot be bothered to mail it to you. And consider your expenses frozen, so don't you dare try and expense your cab to the airport!"

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