First Day of School

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Will McKenzie walked into the sixth form common room-this would be his first day at sixth form.He had always had no friends here-bullied every minute.

He met a few boys but until about a week ago,they were only considered acquaintances.The first to arrive to sixth form was Jay Cartwright followed by Neil Sutherland.A few minutes later,Simon Cooper arrived into the room.To him,Simon was just too cute.He loved his spiky hair and his hazel tree eyes.

To Simon's eyes,Will was just beautiful as hell.His hair was perfect and his eyes were a pretty shade of chocolate.

First lesson was tutor-they were going to have a new tutor.Hopefully,they are going to be super respectful.Not like the last one:she was such an arse crack that they had to fire her.



"I expect silence!",a booming male voice screamed.

Looking up from his planner,Simon realised whom this man turned out to be.It was his dad!The one that upset the 10 year old version of him!The one that hated him for him!Yeah-that time.

"Thank you!Time for registration!",he carried on booming.

After a while,he heard his dead name.His old name!At first,he thought someone else in the room was named that.But then,he heard his surname-Cooper.

"Come on,that is you!",he yelled at his son.

Simon mumered,"I'm a boy-just accept it" and stormed out of the room.

"Moving on",was all Will could hear before walking to where Simon was.

The toilets.He walked down each cubicle to hear soft sobbing coming from one of them.

"Go away,Briefcase!",Simon breathed out between sobs.

"Si?Are you alright?I accept you,I can look after you if you want to!",Briefcase replied.

Simon walked out:his eyes red raw from crying.This was when Donovan came into the toilet.That bitch!He started making transphobic slurs at him and telling him how he was in the wrong toilet.He stormed out of the toilet with Will trotting along behind him.

Jay and Neil managed to catch up with them in Sociology.They gave him a hug and spent the rest of the day hanging out with each other.

At least Simon and Will were slowly becoming friends.

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