Can I Hold You?

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Will noticed how Simon was close to tears.

Simon hated being a girl.He is a boy.Can't people accept that?

"Si?"he whispered,literally in just a breath.

His mate started to sob.What was happening?It wasn't like Simon to do this-in any way,it was him that was doing the crying often.

"Simon??What's wrong with you?You can talk to me.Please."Will asked,worrying about his friend.

"I'm just sick to death of everything!The bullying!The Dysphoria!Just everything!"he sobbed out.

Will just hugged him-of course it wouldn't help but it could help calm him down.

Simon held on like there was no tomorrow.Who cares that they would have to land on the floor?Why would they?

M"I love you,Simon Cooper."he whispered.

"I love you too,Will McKenzie."Simon sobbed out.

Will cuffed his face in his hand.They were warm from crying with his chin frozen-for being an ice cold December morning.Two chapped lips coming together.Tongues are felt.They tugged at each other's clothes.

Suddenly,they felt something over their heads.It was Jay!Hovering a piece of mistletoe over it.

"Merry Christmas Benders!"Jay shouted.

They all grinned and laughed even though the kiss was real.

"Why me?"-A Inbetweeners fanfictonWhere stories live. Discover now