Chapter 8

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Haley's POV
I was eavesdropping on my cousin when she ran up to us about finding the Weasley twins. So when she ran away from us and found them I followed her to see what she need them for.
When I heard that she knew Draco and all about the wizard world like she was really familiar with it I had to find out what was really going on.
After she left the twins she went to go find someone else when she got where she was going to couldn't believe who I saw in front of me it was THE DRACO MALFOY. I overheard their conversation about Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy.
'How would she know about Draco's father'
"Mione I don't think that we should take about this here let's go call Harry and and everyone else to come and see this. The ministry might know something about this."
"Yeah your right but how could he have survived. I mean we saw him disappear when Harry killed him."
I ran back to my room when I heard that.
"How could she have seen that. The battle took place in Hogwarts" I need to find out what is going on with her.

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