Doyoung- NCT pt.3

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[2 1/2 years later]

Sweat dripped down Doyoung's face as he finished the move he was trying to get. He lifted up his shirt to dry off his face. He probably danced more than 3 hours today trying to get the choreography down. After Y/N left he tried his best to try to keep contact with them until they started becoming a bit busier. Then a month passed and he started training for his upcoming dance unit.

Y/N and Doyoung called or texted from time to time whenever they felt they were free. And that was probably twice every other week. They felt a bit disconnected. That is what Doyoung feared, not talking again or getting replaced. But Y/N swore to him that they were just busy. Doyoung sat on the floor looking at his phone. Only if Y/N can call him. That's all he wanted. After a while of dreaming, he just got up again and started dancing once again.

The door of the practice room opened and his dance member Yuta came in. "You're still dancing?" he questioned the boy in front of him. "I gotta get it down for this unit to work out" he breathed out. Yuta walked up to him with a water bottle and smiled, "you know you got it down how much more you need" he laughed out a bit. Doyoung laughed as well and took the bottle in Yuta's hand. "I'll go to the lobby now so we can head home" Doyoung reassured him and the red-headed boy nodded.

As Doyoung was getting ready his phone buzzed and he went to see who it was until he saw it was Y/N mom. "Hello?" he questioned the other line as he picked up.

"Hello, Doyoung sweetie! How are you?" she enthusiastically said.

"I am good, just getting ready to go home now" Doyoung responded while picking up my stuff.

"Oh well, this will be quick don't worry. But Y/N is coming back from Japan! and I was hoping you'll be able to make it to the airport to see them?!"

The boy stopped abruptly and widen his eyes. "Back? Y/N is coming back?!?!!!" he whispered to himself jumping a bit. Then the voice on the other line scared him. "What happened?" Y/N's mom questioned not hearing what Doyoung said. He calmed down a bit and spoke up again.
"Oh, yes I will be there." She smiled and then spoke on when and what time Y/N is coming. After that, they hung up.

All Doyoung could do was smile. He was finally going to see Y/N.

[Arrival day]

Doyoung was nervous. "Of course Y/N can come back still remembering me, duh it's not like we didn't keep some contact with each other," Doyoung said to himself waiting by the boarding gate. Then he saw them, they had dyed their hair bright red and it reminded him a bit of Yuta. He chuckled and when Y/N saw their best friend and parents they ran up to them. First hugging their parents and hugging the tall boy next to them. He hugged Y/N tightly, glad they're in his arms again.

"I told you I'll come back," Y/N said looking at him. "I didn't doubt you one bit don't worry," he said touching Y/N's hair. Doyoung grabbed some bags with Y/N's dad and they headed there way out. "So red huh?" he questioned looking at Y/N hair.

They chuckled and nodded, "thought I needed a new lewk. I got inspired."

Doyoung smiled, "what inspired the so-called 'lewk'?"

"Yuta," they said right after. Doyoung looked at Y/N while walking. "Yuta?"

"Yeah you always post him on your Instagram and I noticed his hair and thought it looked good so I tried it too"

Doyoung felt a feeling of uneasiness. "Is this what jealousy felt like?" he thought to himself. He gulped and went on with the conversation. "Why didn't you try my hair color? it's nice and blonde" Y/N laughed and looked at the tall one. "I had blonde before I left silly," they said punching his arm lightly.

"o-h" he laughed to himself forgetting. They all get in the car and make their way to the parent's house. Y/N spoke on about Japan and while the parents asked questions about how college went. They went on and on with the conversation until they stopped. Doyoung looked out the window in his thoughts about the whole Yuta thing. He didn't need to be jealous, there was no need. Y/N noticed how quiet Doyoung was and touched his hand. He got startled to the sudden action and looked at them.

Y/N smiled at him. "You alright?"

He nodded and smiled back, "Of course. Of course I am" the last part he said to himself for verification. Today was going to be a long day he felt. And he wasn't wrong. They arrived at the house and Y/N asked Doyoung about Yuta right when they exited the car.

"He's doing okay, just practicing with the other members," he said lowly. They nodded and he couldn't help but wonder still.

"How come?" he asked.

Y/N shrugged, "nothing big just wanted to know. Besides, he's so adorable >.< don't you think?"

He hummed at the response and felt a sharp pain in his chest. It went there, it totally went there. He should've not asked, it's better to wonder then get a response that'll hurt more. He grabbed the bags and went inside the house. He felt mad, hurt, but it isn't Y/N fault. You can't stop feelings.

He bowed and looked at Y/N and their parents. "I'm sorry I think I'll go now." Y/N's parents look at him and questioned. "So soon?"

"Yes. I have practice today." He lied. They all nodded and said there goodbyes. While he headed out Y/N ran after him. "YU- DOYOUNG WAIT!" Y/N said some of Yuta's name accidentally. He quickly stopped and scoffed. He felt a hand on his arm and turned.

Looking up at him Y/N then spoke, "wanna meet at the park later?" He shook his head. "I'm busy." Y/N gave him an 'i don't believe you' expression. "You don't practice on Saturdays."

"Well now I do," he said coldly and walked away. Y/N watched him leave and they sighed. "Did I do something?" was all they thought then went inside.

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