~chapter 3~

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Nawal's brief biography

Nawal kabeer was born in kaduna state, Nigeria. At the age of 11 she moved to Abuja with her family. She has 5 siblings. Ya Adeela is the oldest, she's 25 she got married 2 years ago and is blessed with a beautiful baby girl Nusaiba.
Ya haifa is the second born , she's 23 and a lawyer, she's a crazy and loud child.
junaid is after ya haifa and is 21 he's older than nawal with a year, he just graduated from the university and So did Nawal. He studied computer engineering.
Then Nawal, she's 20, she just graduated. She studied Aeronautical engineering. Actually her and junaid went to different universities so she graduated a week before he did.
And she doesn't call him yaya because he's only older than her with a year, and a year is nothing to her as she says.
Abeed is the 5th born. He's Nawal's bestfriend and the most annoying person on earth. He's 16 and in ss3 he acts like he has graduated🤦‍♀️
Then their last born is zayd. Mommy's baby, he's a cry baby he's 14 in jss3. He's a football freak.


💎Nawal's POV💎

"Hand me the medicine" farida's dad said.
The man gave him the medicine and he put the medicine in a bottle and mixed it with water.

"Tie her up" he ordered pointing at mai gadi and the other guy.
I just kept crying uncontrollably and praying to god.

They tied my legs and did same to my hands. My body hurts. I don't know why he's doing this to me. Had it been he asked papa for money Wallahi he'll give him. Papa loves helping people. I still can't believe my bestfriends dad killed my parents and is trying to kill me...

"Do you think if you die now you'll make it to heaven?" I asked in between sobs "do you know that God is watching You? Just know that you might die at any mome.." a hard hand landed on my face. He slapped me.

"I'm tired just kill Me, kill me!!!" i cried loudly.

"I won't kill you but instead I'll make you suffer" he let out a loud evil laugh.

He poured the substance in my eyes.

I felt nothing but sore and excruciating pain. My eyes were burning. I'm in severe misery and agony.

My bestfriends dad betrayed my trust and is about to put me in endless depression .

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun ( to Allah we belong and to him we shall return) was all I could say.

After thinking that nothing could get worse, he sprayed the pesticide in my eyes. I don't even know how to explain the pain I feel.

My pain feels like... sharp stabbing pain, extreme pain, intense heat and burning sensation.

I lost hope... I waited for the Lord to take my life, the pain kills, for a moment I actually thought I was dead but no I was hearing noises of the people i despise the most in the world.

I felt some liquid coming out of my eyes. My eyes hurt badly.

I heard him telling his men to take me out of the country, to take me to Niger, to a bush in Niger and drop me. He doesn't want me to expose him He said. But sooner or later he'll get exposed. I don't even know the kind of pain to feel, the pain of losing my parents? The pain of losing my eye sight? The pain of never getting to see my siblings again or the pain of betrayal.

I and my parents had planned so many things we were going to do together when I was back, but we plan, Allah plans and for sure he's the best of planners. How I wish all this is a dream, how I wish someone would just come and wake me up from this horror type of sleep.

💎Junaid's POV💎

I was in the kitchen at ya Adeela's house eating the spaghetti bolognese we made, yepp we made, I'm a glutton, I love eating and I love cooking.
"Ya Junaid your phone is ringing" Abeed shouted at the top of his voice.

"Please I'm eating, I'm sure whoever is calling can wait" I spoke with my mouth full of food.
I could hear when the phone stopped ringing, not long after it started ringing again.
"Junaid if you aren't gonna pick then atleast put the phone on silent" an annoyed ya haifa spoke

"5 missed calls" I shouted " if you call me twice and I don't pick then just leave me, what does this man wants" I told no one in particular after seeing that our neighbor was the one who called, we don't talk that much so I don't know why he's calling.
"Just call him back and stop talking rubbish" ya Adeela voiced.
When I tell you zayd likes football then believe, he's been watching football for God knows how long.
So I decided to call back. After two rings he picked, woahh so quick I said.
"Junaid you need to come home now!!!" Was the first thing he said.

"What's wrong" a tensed me replied
"Your house is on fire, you need to be here!" He spoke a little bit worried
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun, how did it happen" I said, I couldn't believe what he just told me.
"Not sure, just be here as fast as you can" he voiced.

As I ended the call all my siblings were already on my head asking different question as I felt the urge to cry.

"Junaid talk for Allah's sake" ya Adeela pleaded.
"Yes y'know keeping quiet won't solve anything so speak" ya haifa said as she looked me in the eye.
Ya Adeela and ya haifa were in front of me, while zayd and Abeed were beside me, I dont want to tell them but I have to.
Just then Nusaiba(ya Adeela's baby) started crying.
"Let me get baby nussy" she said as she ran to her room. Immediately she came back she told me to start talking.
"Our house is on fire" the shocking news came out from my mouth.
"Are mommy and daddy ok" that was zayd speaking
"Not sure ya haifa and ya Adeela let's go" I said

"What about us" Abeed and zayd said at the same time.
"You guys should stay here you see..." I was saying but
"Wallahi I'm not staying, we're going together" Abeed interrupted.
"Let's just go" ya haifa said.

Immediately I parked the car every one advanced out of the car. Many people gathered in front of our house including fire fighters and police.
Our house was looking like an abandoned house, noises all around.
A police man came my way.
"Are you related to the deceased" the police man spoke.
"Deceased? What deceased?" Was all I said.

"I need to go in there my parents" I heard ya haifa crying.

"What deceased?" I shouted again.
"Mr and Mrs kabeer" he said calmly.
"They are dead?" I asked and he nodded his head
"You're mad!!! My parents are not dead, where are my parents" I shouted.
"I'm sorry but your parents are no more"

I screamed out as the pain drove through my body. Every thought I just had made me more confused. The burning pain licked up his chest like scorching fire, i weeped at my own suffering. I could hear my siblings crying and screaming meaning that they've heard the news. "You have to stay strong for them" someone said to Me, I wiped my tears. I wish the world could just because I can't imagine life without them, those two were my source of happiness. My chest and stomach hurts, but in more of a deep aching way.

Hey guys,
Hope y'all are doing good💕
Sorry for the late update

Who feels sad for Nawal and her siblings😭isn't the suffering enough. Poor her

1380 words, mehnn I tried ooh

Read up💕

The lazy writer😚💗

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