Chapter 8

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Chapter eight

"Here's your room keys. We'll have someone bring you a change of clothes and dinner. You have a nice stay." I hear the clerk say to Harry before handing him the plastic key card and looks at him odd dude to him still being covered in sand as he goes to grab Amanda who was still frozen in fear in a nearby lobby chair.

My eyes were focused on the house and on the men who stood guard at Harry's Airbnb. They were waiting for us to come home and I knew they had already gotten inside.

My supplies, guns and computer are all gone. In the hands of a mafia family who wants to kill Harry fucking Styles and for what reason! Because they stole from the wrong family!

We collectively head upstairs inside the elevator to the 11th floor. We had a beach view and were given security on every entry point of the floor. Harry walks us to Amanda room and he gives her a key.

"Let me know when you calm down so we can eat dinner together." He tells her and she just nods and walks into the room letting the door slam behind her.

Harry turns to face me before sighing and running his hand through his hair. He looks to me and I could tell he was irritated.

"I know you're a stand offish person but I got us sharing a room. And If you don't want to sleep in the bed with me, you can take the couch." He says and I frown as he turns away from me. He turns to walk to the next room and then unlocks it.

We walk inside and it truly did look like a luxury hotel. I mean everything looked brand new and the bed was huge. There was a bar, kitchen, living space and huge bathroom.

I walk inside and take off my harness and chains and discard them on the couch. I stretch finally as Harry passes out on the bed. I sit on the couch ignoring Harry talking to himself about how he wanted one day of fun and decided to call his parents.

I face timed them and Jesus Christ I look like I've had a long ass day. Well I kind of did. I've driven to a random resort on the coast of California, miles away from Stanford because someone tried to kill me.

They answered eventually and I could see them inside an office like room. He answered most likely on his laptop.

"Niall! How are you? Hey honey! It's Niall!" He yelled and before I could speak his wife joined in the camera smiling big holding a very big knife.

"Oh hello! How is everything?" She asks and I shake my head and taking a deep breath.

"Not good, Anne." I tell her and they both instantly look concerned.

"What the hell do you mean?" She asks shoving her husband out of the camera as he curses in pains

"The Mansa family had found your sons location and engage in gunfire. I did what I could and protected your son and his assistant. But I've also had cameras set up at home and there are men outside, armed and waiting for us at home. So right now we're in a suite. Safe and sound." I tell her and I can see her head explode.

"Where's harry?! God! When I get my hands on that bitch I'm going to kill her- how dare she send people to kill my baby I'm gonna gauge her eyes out!" She starts ranting and soon it turned into an entirely different language.

"Honey calm down- Niall where's Harry?" Robin asks me and before I could answer Harry cut me off.

"He died!" Harry says and Robin shakes his head clearly irritated with his son.

"No! No he didn't." I panic before Robin fumed.

"Harold Edward styles bring your ass now!" Harry sits up in the bed before groaning. He finally got up and joined me on the couch to put his face in the camera.

Free Spirit // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now