Chapter 27

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Chapter twenty-seven

When we got off our plane, we were escorted by security out to a town car that transported us to the styles estate. Harry was still tired and worn out so he was lying in my lap asleep. Liam was asleep too leaving me awake with my thoughts.

I couldn't believe Harry killed my mother. I mean she wasn't even remotely like a mother but it's hard to believe that she's gone now. I coped with the idea of my mother physically being there and that one day she'd come to me apologizing and wanting to care for my inner child that was pleading. That will forever be a void I could never heal.

We arrived at his home passing by his many security which were heavily armed and protected due to the news I had to deliver to his father. I didn't care about how he angry he was either. I was just happy to deliver him home alive. I took my hand and massage his scalp while he slept. I remember him telling me once his hair gets tugged so much that it irritates his scalp.

Maybe he does need a haircut.

"We've arrived." The driver says and we step out into the sunlight to be greeted with armed guards and his parents.

Robin appeared to be angry in a way but silent nonetheless. Although Anne appeared to be tired and thats not just the nine months pregnancy talking. I could see she was stressed and that couldn't have been goood for the baby.

I wake Harry to help him get out the car. As usual he wakes up pretty silent and calm. I wake Liam and we all exit the car to greet them. Harry breaks away from my side to walk to his dad shaking his hand and giving him a brief hug.

That when he turned to his mum and smiled. He bent over and kisses her stomach then her forehead. He mother opened her arms and gave her son a hug as he buried his face in the crook of his neck. She rubs the back of his head soothing him.

Liam and I stood side by side, hands behind our back with Robin approached us shaking our hands.

"It's great to see you. We have a meeting in an hour in the main house. Get washed up and be here." He says coldly before turning away and walking off. I turn to look at Liam and we both sigh.

I see where Harry gets it from.




Liam and I arrived to the double doors that led into the meeting, dressed formally and ready to start preparing for the worst. Normally on the outside I seemed as nonchalant but inside I was dying.

My precious boyfriend took their rivals daughters life and putting himself on a hit list. He also started a war that could be extremely fatal if not handled correctly. I was terrified for him.

Knowing I failed to protect him the first time I was worried that this time I wouldn't be enough. I was clouded by how much I liked Harry and still let my guard down to Amanda and my mother.

We thought Safaa was the snake in our garden. Boy we were wrong.

"Okay. When we get in here don't speak until spoken to. I don't know how these meetings play out yet so we have to observe." I tell Liam fixing my tie for the seventh time on the way here.

"For someone who was in the army, war meetings should be a piece of cake to you." Liam scoffs before fixing his hair.

"Yeah for my country. Not for criminals." I snap at him whispering making him roll his eyes.

He then grabs the handle and we walk in. Inside sat Anne and Robin at the middle of the table with Harry sitting along side them with his feet propped up and his wounds bandaged. Also there were officials and guards sitting around and two empty seats where Liam and I sat down.

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