Chapter 18

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Chapter eighteen

"Niall! I thought you'd never come down!" I hear Robin say as I come down the stairs to see Liam dressed properly in his suit and standing next to Harry sitting on the couch while his parents were sitting across from Harry.

"Yes. We couldn't wait. We have great news." Anne says and I couldn't help but glance at her belly. Her daughter was getting bigger and bigger.

"Oh, I was handling something." I blush remembering going to my room and jacking off as quick as I can to the memory of Harry's lips.

God I'm a fucking wreck.

I catch Harry smirking slightly scrolling on his phone knowing he was the cause I was late. Although he and I kissed and almost had sex I was still confused. Did this mean he liked me? Or was he just horny?

I mean I could never read Harry completely. He didn't even express his feelings he just pinned me against a desk and tried to fuck me.

"We are really excited about being here because apparently one of the Mansa daughters live her and!" Anne says smiling really hard before her husband finishes.

"We found Amanda." Robin said and I look over to Harry who looked down at his phone unfazed. I squint my eyes at him and it was almost as if he didn't hear them.

I walk over to his parents greeting them like usual and then taking my place next to Liam.

"I'm just so excited. I can't wait to hear your plan Harry." Anne says and presses her hands together. Harry finally looks to her.

"Why don't you guys just kill me? That way they will be looking for you and not me." Harry says sarcastically and Anne face fumes as Robin tries to hold in his laugh from his wife.

"Harry I don't have time for games today! We've been trying to get intel on The Mansa's and apparently you have a lead so tell us right fucking now god help us all-" his mother pulls out a pocket knife making her husband jump as Harry rolls his eyes.

She's cursing in some other language as Harry yawns.

"Oh mother you're a huge joke. Head of an empire you can't even run." Harry chuckles. "But rest not, I do have a plan." He says and sits up to rest his elbows on his knees.

His mother finally calms down and sits back by her husband.

"I didn't kill Safaa and she's been talking to the daughter and gaining her trust. Zayn was her brother who was affiliated with the Mansa's so she'll believe her. She'll meet up with her here and we'll hold her while I find someone to raid wherever it is that she's hiding for some clues. Which means expect some backfire. It will begin phase one of a war." Harry explains so well.

Liam nods approving as I just stood guard.

"That's actually a good plan." Anne says looking to her husband.

"Because you didn't come up with it." He says and I roll my eyes. Harry really does hate his parents and they love him so obliviously.

"Harold!" Anne screams before throwing some napkins at him making Liam snicker to himself that she thought it would go far.

"Alright. We were actually going to visit your grandmother in Lancaster so we won't be here for long. We just came to check on you." Robin says standing to his feet and pulling his wife up with him.

"We will send her a gift in your behalf. Maybe a nice antique mirror." Anne says as Robin caresses his wife and helps her walk from the couch over to where we stood over Harry.

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