Chapter 29

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We are in the final chapters and it gets intense. Thanks for reading guys. I appreciate you so much

Chapter twenty-nine

A few days passed and conflict was rising more than ever. I've spent more time inside a meeting room than I have anywhere else on the estate. We've been importing military grade weapons and top of the line security systems.

I've been making deals with crooked cops that were paid off to ignore the war and blame the Mansa's for the death toll. Honestly my eyes are opened to this world. I didn't think it got so lethal and fatal. Even paying off cops who sworn to protect their country were working for the Styles. I just nodded and kept things to myself.

I didn't have a squeaky clean history either.

I was driving a golf cart to the Main house when I got a phone call from Harry. I answered using one to hold the phone the other to steer.

"Horan." I say and I hear Harry smack his teeth.

"Why in the fuck would I want this small as revolver?! If I'm going to shoot at someone I want something they can't survive from. Stop being an idiot!" I hear Harry yell through the phone and I just smirk shaking my head at my hot headed boyfriend before he actually answered the phone.

"I'm sorry. My new assistant Louis has the brain capacity of a goldfish." He sighs and I smile before arriving to the house.

"Is he better than Amanda?" I ask stopping the cart and grabbing the keys and shoving them into my holster before making my way in.

"God no. Amanda would've had my breakfast prepared and already guessed the things I wanted til noon. Louis has been asking me every minute if I need anything like he can't read my mind." Harry groans and I shake my head at my spoiled boyfriend

"Yeah. I don't remember humans being able to read minds." I say nodding at a guard before walking through the doors.

"Amanda could read mine." He pouted

"Where are you? Im at the main house." I ask and he sighs.

"I'm in the room where we killed Zayn with my elite team." He says and I head in that direction.

Once I reached the room I walk inside to see a group of four men and one woman. One guy wasn't dressed in protective gear, he had this cheeky grin about him and his blue eyes were as bright as mine.

"Thank god you're here." Harry says and then he stands to his feet. He was sporting a button down that was covered by a bullet proof vest, dark black jeans and boots.

"This is Jane, Pluto, Jack, Matsuda and Louis." He sneers the last name at the short boy who just smiled at him making Harry fume even the more.

"Nice to meet you guys. This is the elite team." I say to myself.

"Jane specializes in, my favorite, knife play, Pluto has this amazing things with martial arts. Jack is honestly dumber than Liam but I've heard his fist are as deadly as a gun. Oh and matsuda is very efficient with a bow and arrow. I've heard he's never missed his target and can shoot a fly miles away." Harry explains as I shake everyone's hand.

"Oh and that lazy waste of air is Louis." He says not even looking his way.

I watch as Louis looks over to Harry smiling even harder if that was even possible before he sighed.

"Right back at you boss." Louis says making Harry growl his way as I smile.

Why am I happy he got an assistant who's an asshole?

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