VI: Syndrome

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When I woke up, it was to a dimly lit room and a white ceiling. The only light present in the room was that from the moon and the lights outside, shining in through the windows. At the very least, I could clearly look around the room.

My initial focus moved onto the screens hovering in front of me.

[Quest: Bonds – The Great Escape has been cleared. Hidden Objective: Unlock Dying Will Flames has been cleared.]

+500 EXP
+2,000 EXP (500 for each person saved)
+15 Stat Points

[Hidden Objective Rewards]
+2,500 EXP
+20 Stat Points
Able to unlock all Dying Will Flames

[You have levelled up by six.]
+48 Stat Points
+1 Perk Point

Before, I would have been happy to see the rewards I'd obtained.

Now though?

Now I could only glare at them.

I'd gotten arrogant, and a bit full of myself. And because of that, I'd cost a young boy, barely twelve or thirteen, his life. All because I'd put so much faith in the System. I thought it would never fail me, but it had... No, it was my fault.

I felt disgusted.

The rewards in front of me were things I didn't feel like I deserved. I didn't deserve this power; I didn't deserve these rewards!

I didn't deserve it.

[Would the player like to delete the System?]

My eyes widened in shock at the box in front of me.

It seemed the system had heard my thoughts and... Was offering to get rid of itself.

I could pick yes.

I could select yes right now, and bring the system to an end right here and now. I could move past this, and train on my own, without the System's help...

But then what?

Who was to say that would truly be its end?

Who was to say that the System wouldn't find someone else, find another person to 'lead humanity to the new age?'

I couldn't let someone else go through this.

I couldn't let the System corrupt someone else like it was already corrupting me...

And the System knew that.

"You bastard..." I growled.

[Are you sure you would like to delete the System? The player will never be able to access the System again if it is deleted. If the player selects no, the System will be bonded to the player forever, even after death.]

So, that was the ultimatum? Either delete the system and never have its power again, where it could attach itself to some other poor sap... Or let it stay with me forever, even after I died...

"... You're a cruel bastard..." I spat at the System...

... But I already knew that there was no other choice for me.

"... No."

[The System will not be deleted. The System has now bonded to the Player Permanently.]

"You sick fuck..." I spat at the screen.

I didn't get a response.

I was left with little choice but to press on. "Stats."

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