X: Cloud and Rain

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Summer left the kitchen, going upstairs to wake everyone up. While she did that, I grabbed a plate and set it up with food. "Take it to my room, make sure Summer doesn't see you, and enjoy eating," I told Lancer.

She nodded, grabbing the plate and astralising with it before she headed upstairs to go and eat.

With that done, I finished up making breakfast, and began to set the table for the six of us to eat. As I set it, I heard a gasp of surprise. Turning my gaze, I saw Ruby standing there, cheeks burning red as I stared at me.

"J- Jaune...?"

"That is my name," I told her.

"Y- You... Y- You're..." She didn't quite seem to be able to get the words out.

"I'm what?"

She kept spluttering and stuttering, unable to speak. Yang came up behind her, yawning. "Ruby, why are you standing in the way..." She trailed off as she saw me, eyes widening. "Holy crap, Jaune got hot!"

I blushed warmly, shifting my gaze away from them. It was one thing for me to think I was attractive, it was another for one of my close, personal, female friends to say the same thing.

"The heck happened to you!?" Yang said as she moved closer, reaching out and grabbing my arm. I snatched it away, but Yang's eyes were wide. "Holy hell, that's solid muscle! You did not look like this in the gym uniform last week, how did you get so fit in that time!?"

"... Push-ups, sit-ups, and plenty of juice," I told her with as serious of a face as I could, though I felt it was diminished slightly by my red cheeks.

"... What kind of juice?" She asked... Did my Charisma make her take me seriously?

"Apple, though you can use any," I told her, before I finished setting the table and took a seat. I cast a glance to the doorway, seeing Tai, Raven, and Summer making their way in together.

"Woah!" Tai blinked. "Quite a spread you made for us today, Summer! We haven't had a standard Vale Breakfast in forever!"

Summer shook her head, taking a seat. "I didn't make this, Jaune did."

Ruby and Yang's eyes lit up. "Aw yes!" Ruby fist pumped. "More of Jaune's delicious food!"

Tai looked at them before looking at me, silently asking a question.

I rubbed the back of my head. "Well after I re-kindled my friendship with Yang and Ruby, I sort of brought the mood down with some depressing talk. So, to make up for it, I let them have one of the pork balls I'd brought along for lunch. They liked them so much, that I had to promise to make a bit extra for them to eat with their lunch."

"Well, now you've hyped up your cooking," Tai laughed. "Better hope it lives up to it."

I only smiled. "Please, feel free to eat," I told them, before I dug in myself, carefully watching their reaction.

Ruby and Yang dug in with a gusto, wide smiles on their faces. Summer smiled, pleased with what she was eating. Tai and Raven's eyes both shot wide, and they began to devour their food like it was going to vanish if they didn't eat it fast enough.

I only smiled; glad they were enjoying my cooking. I finished off my own meal and relaxed in my seat, crossing one leg over the other as I observed them.


I blinked. 'Yes, Lancer?'

'This food is amazing! You're definitely cooking for me every single day once you move into your new house!'

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