XIII: Resolution

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After my shower, I took a seat and decided to buckle down and start grinding up Structural Analysis. I expected it was going to take about a day or two in order to get it done, so I thought I should just start now.

I was wrong.

[Structural Analysis is now Level MAX.]

[Due to reaching Level MAX, Structural Analysis is now Rank A+.]

[Due to reaching Level MAX with Structural Analysis, you have obtained 'Pure Eyes of Structural Analysis.']

[Due to reaching Level MAX with Structural Analysis and Projection, the Skill Projection has evolved to 'Projection (Tracing).']

As it turned out, Structural Analysis's Cost was reduced by 1MP every ten levels. With my huge MP stat, maxing out its level didn't take very long at all, and I still had MP to spare.

I opened up my new skills.

[Projection (Tracing) (Active) – Rank A+ – Lv. MAX]

Recreation of objects the user has seen. Not only are the objects replicated, but the entire history of the object is re-created. The user can tap into the history of the weapons, using them as if they were the original wielder.

Weapons Projected will be 1 Rank lower than their originals. Cannot project weapons of a higher rank than Projection. Cost: 10MP

[Structural Analysis (Active) – Rank A+ – Lv. MAX]

To learn about an object, its history and functions, the craft of its making, the materials used, everything, through touch. No MP Cost

[Mystic Eyes of Structural Analysis (Passive & Active) – Rank A+ - Lv. MAX]

Through relentless training of such a basic skill, it has now become part of the user as much as breathing. Passively allows the user to see the history, craft of making, materials used, and everything about weapons/armour seen. Actively allows the user to see the history, craft of making, materials used, and everything about other objects. No MP Cost.

I stared at the screens in front of me, then wiped my eyes and stared again, just to be sure I wasn't seeing thing.

... HACKS!

This shit was so god damn broken; it wasn't even funny! So, not only could I now create any weapons I'd seen, but I'd now know how the weapons were made, and I could use the techniques of the person when I used the weapon!

What was this shit!

And let's not forget the fact that both the Mystic Eyes and Structural Analysis now cost zero MP for me to use!

Broken, just so damn broken...

I dismissed the screens, rubbing the sides of my head, and decided to push that out of my mind for the time being. At least I would never need to worry about weapons again.

"Jaune!" I heard a knock on my door and Summer's voice. "It's time for breakfast!"

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute!" I called back, opening up my inventory and equipping a pair of jeans, a black shirt, and a white jacket.

I paused for a moment, opening up the store just to check something.

"... I can buy clothes with this thing?"

Very nice-looking designer clothes too...

I was one-hundred-thousand gold poorer as I made my way downstairs, feeling a bit embarrassed that I'd purchased an entire wardrobe of designer clothes for myself...

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