post-it notes

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they told me to add post-it notes to my wall, and each post-it note had to contain things i shouldn't do here. they said it's a healing technique. so i did. earlier that day, i cut the bun off of a nurse. didn't seem like she liked that, so i wrote 'don't cut other people's hair', and put that on a wall in my room. a couple weeks ago, i drew on a wall. i thought the drawing was pretty, but the others didn't, so on another note i wrote 'don't draw pretty drawings', and put that on the wall. maybe a month ago, i screamed at the top of my lungs for no reason at all. everyone thought there was a fire, so i wrote 'don't scream', and onto the wall it went. half a year ago, i ripped my clothes open because it was really hot and the air conditioner wasn't working, so i wrote 'ask for someone to fix the a/c' and the note flew itself on the wall. last year, i laughed at one of the other girls when she fell. apparently, that was really mean, so i wrote 'don't push people off cliffs', you know the drill. and lastly, when i first got here, i broke the window in my room, but the nurses came in really quickly and caught me in the act. so i wrote 'don't try to escape'.

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