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A/N: It's brought to my attention that some people don't understand the sudden inclusion of the Dursley's so I'm going to put all those parts in italics and I'm stating this now. It is a memory/nightmare that Harry is suffering because he is no longer his older self and the younger him never knew about Hogwarts so they did not get to him at Hogwarts. He is just having flashes of memories.

Thank you and enjoy. ❤🐍🦁


Hermione was shifting around in her seat getting irritated. Harry zoned out again after saying he needed to tell them something important. Ron nudged him but he was still distant. Ron mumbled something incoherent then slapped Harry. That seemed to bring him out of his mind. Harry scratched the back of his head. Ginny had walked in and was about to scold Ron but Harry spoke. So she remained silent.

"Sorry. Ammm sooo... Don't hate me. I just thought you should know. Since you are my best friends and all. I unintentionally told Neville as well. Anyway so ammm... I'mgayandhaveacrushonMalfoy." Harry mumbled and rushed the last part.

Ron raised an eyebrow. "What was that mate."

Hermione hugged Harry because she had, of course, caught on. "I support you Harry, always. And I'm proud of you. And Ronald you need to pay more attention. He said he was gay."

Ron's face went green then red with anger. He looked up to see Ginny tear up. Harry noticed Ron's expression immediately and wanted to get out of there. He quickly hugged Hermione and thanked her then got up. Pushing past Ginny without a word.

"Harry lunch is in a few minutes where are you going?" Hermione asked.

"Oh just bathroom Hermione don't worry." Harry lied and walked away.

"Ronald why didn't you say anything?" Turning to Ron Hermione hadn't seen the disgust he was masking.

Ron stood up. "I should... go congratulate him. Catch you at lunch Mione."


"Ron stop please. I didn't mean to offend you." Harry wanted to cry but knew it was a bad idea.

Ron was red in the face throwing slurs and hexes at him. He didn't think his best friend would be acting like this. After everything Ron was still always jealous of Harry. Harry wondered if Malfoy would treat him the same.

Ron snorted. "You lead my sister on so she can have her heart broken by a fag. I'm pissed not offended."

"I never lead her on. She chose not to listen." Harry yelled his voice shakey.

More spells went flying. Ron's aim was poor so Harry only had to block the ones that were coming for him. He didn't want to hurt Ron with any spells. It was breaking his heart to be fighting with his best friend.

"I bet you wank to thoughts of me. How disgusting. I can't believe we were ever friends." Ron spat. "And we dorm together. That's even worse. Probably want to shag Malfoy and have his grubby death eater hands all over you. FILTH! Maybe you even shagged some of our dorm mates like the man whore you are."

Harry was frozen now. 'How could my best mate think like that. How could he think of me like that. How did I...' His thought was cut off when a spell hit his chest. The spell was supposed to dress the person in girly/baby clothes, but of course Ron sucked at spells and his wand was defective. Harry felt a searing pain all over his body and screamed. Ron nodded to himself and shrugged, walking off. He was pleased to hear Harry crying in pain.

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