Now What?

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School was over. Things had gone rather smoothly getting back a rhythm after the raid. The surviving death eaters were sent to azkaban, Lucius and Ron included. Dumbledore's body was nowhere to be found. That is unless you cut open a rather large hybrid spirt snake who was now hibernating. Mcgonagall took over as headmistress. With Snape taking the position of deputy.

Within 3 days Hogwarts was back to normal with everyone brushing the incident off as an everyday occurrence. How is this possible you wonder... the answer is Harry.

Unknowingly his frantic state set off a chain reaction. Since he couldn't stop his own panic he drew power from everyone in the school. So after a week of crying and screaming the rest of Hogwarts didn't have the energy to panic. The group of 4 Gryffindors and 3 Slytherins didn't attend class. Not even Snape was allowed to leave. So Slughorn was left once again sorting out Harry's potion.

Everything pretty much went back to normal. Harry trusted everyone in the group. Hermione carried him when she read because he liked stories. Pansy carried him when they went to Hogsmead. Dean and Seamus had him when they went outside. Neville carried him when he wanted to talk about his dreams. That was because only Neville knew the extent of his memories. Blaise was still his go to person when he was tired. And Draco when he was upset or tired of the others.

That brings us to now.

Now Harry was curled up in Blaise's lap. The group of friends sitting in the potions class waiting for Slughorn and Snape. School was over and in less than two weeks Harry was going to take his first dose of the potion.

"Right. So it's almost time. Snape and I have tried to find a way to get him to keep his memories but we couldn't find anything. There is a slim chance of him remembering but I wouldn't put to much stock into it." Slughorn said.

"Professor how soon after it's made does he have to take it?" Neville asked.

"He should take it within a day. Why do you ask?"

Neville shrugged. "Harry has never had a happy Christmas. I thought we would be able to give him one. I guess not."

Hermione rubbed Neville's shoulder. "Why don't we buy older him presents. Something that he will like. And we can celebrate our own Christmas?"

"Brilliant idea Hermione. If he remembers we can use it as a celebration as well." Dean declared.

"I should warn you. I don't know how he will react to the potion. He could completely forget you after he takes it. He could only have memories from the current age. This can happen with each stage. You will need to be patient. One more thing it will be best for him to take it at night. In case of any physical changes. Because the transformation will be painful." Slughorn explained.

Harry yawned. Everyone went quiet and watched him. He rubbed his eyes and looked directly at Snape.

"Upies?" He stretched out his arms.

Snape took him from Blaise. Harry liked Snape because Snape told him about his mommy. And he felt close to her when Snape carried him.

"Can pway wif haiw? Pwease." Snape nodded.

Harry smiled and hugged Snape then started playing with his hair. 'Yup this is the best feeling in the world.' Snape thought to himself.

"Professor if he doesn't remember I'm afraid he may run." Neville said.

"I see well we will have to figure something out. We can't lose track of him. Age 8 is rather dangerous. Considering most kids magic is shown." Slughorn pondered. "We can only wait and see however."

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