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Luca's POV

Watching the brunette walk back to the table her friend was at, I found myself fighting a smile. She was textbook beautiful, with her big grey eyes, petite figure and rosy cheeks. And damn, did she have nice legs! She was quite short, but being 6'2", almost everyone was.

I could tell by the plastic wrapping peeking out from under her sleeve she'd probably just gotten a tattoo. Some part of me was curious to learn more about her, to find out what else was hiding under that oversized sweater of hers, but I quickly shut that thought down. No girls, that was my new motto. I had to take some time for me, to hang out with my boy Jayce and forget about Nikki and her crazy ways.

Didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the beauty in the world. While filling their mugs, I glanced over to their table. Immediately, my eyes found her long, lightbrown hair. I wondered what it would feel like to run my fingers through her undoubtedly silky locks...

Shaking my head, I quickly got rid of that thought. She had her back turned to me and seemed to be in a lively conversation with her friend, a pretty girl with foreign roots who had attracted Jayce's attention the minute she walked in. I didn't object when he asked me to briefly switch jobs, so he could take her order. He was a regular playboy, almost always dating one girl or another, normally for only a couple of days. But they all fell for his surfer boy appearance and charming smile.

I had no right to complain, receiving enough female attention myself on a daily basis, but I couldn't care less about that.

When Jayce walked behind the counter, I went over to the girls with their two mugs. Judging by their sudden silence and widening eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd been talking about me. Call me conceited, but it's what I've noticed about the girls coming in here. They either started giggling and winking, or abruptly stopped talking whenever one of us guys brought something over.

"Here you go ladies. Let me know if you need anything else."

Just because I felt like it, I sent a small smile towards the cute brunette, who quickly hid her face behind her hair and focused on her mug.

Once I was back behind the counter, Jayce frowned at my chuckling. He knew how rough the past couple of months had been. Ever since things went downhill with Nikki, I'd been more grumpy and irritable than I'd ever been, and we basically grew up together. We lived on the same street, went to the same school, hung out all the time, even went to college together. It was the only logical choice for both of us to start our own business together as well. That's how, at 23, we found ourselves owning our own coffee place.

Looking up at the sound of the bell, I saw both girls heading out and parting ways after a brief hug. The brunette started fiddling with a bike. Huh, she most live really close by. Maybe I should've asked her name, if only so I could stop thinking about her as "the brunette".

"We still on for tonight bro?"

Jayce walked over to me with a tray of clean mugs and started placing them on the shelves behind us.

"Ofcourse, wouldn't miss it. What time's the movie playing?"

Every month we went to the movies at least once. We'd never admit it out loud, but we had our nerdy moments. There wasn't a superhero or scifi movie that we hadn't seen within the week of its release.

Hot cup of loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ