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Lou's POV

Watching Luca walk away, I felt an unusual urge to go after him. Jonathan pulling me by the hand in the other direction was the only thing holding me back. Still, I kept staring at his muscled back just a little longer, until he disappeared into the men's toilet.

"Earth to Louuuu!" Jonathan waved his hands in front of me.


Jonathan, being his extravagant self, placed his hands on his hips and shot me his best 'spill it' look.

"What's with the daydreaming love? You totally spaced out for a minute there."

"Nothing, I guess. So, you wanted to work out, right?" I tried changing the subject.

"Nuh uh, don't you try to distract me, young lady! Tell me what's on your pretty mind. We can multitask, you show me what to do while I listen to you spilling the beans."

Saying that, he pulled me over to the leg presses section.

Setting up the machine, I told Jonathan about my run in.

"I just literally ran into this hot guy, the owner of that new coffeehouse on 11th, 'Colazione'. I keep seeing him everywhere, first at the coffeehouse, then he came to pick up his sister from my dance class and just now, I practically fell into his arms."

I could feel my cheeks heating up when I remembered the feel of his strong hold supporting me.

"Damn girl, sounds like the start of a sappy romance novel if you asked me," Jonathan said with a wink.

I scoffed while readjusting the machine so he could do the exercise.

"I don't think so. You know I don't have that kind of luck when it comes to guys."

Unfortunately, I'd never been lucky enough to have a boyfriend. It sounds absolutely pathetic, to have to admit that at the age of 20, I'd never had a boyfriend and was therefore still a virgin. All I'd ever done was kiss a few guys on the lips for spin the bottle or truth or dare. Guys hardly spared me a second glance, they were more attracted to curvy, extravert girls who weren't afraid to show of their sexy bodies. I on the other hand, got mistaken for a boy until I was at least 14. Luckily at some point, puberty did hit, but me and my body never had what you'd call a succesful relationship.

"You're not a little girl anymore Louise," he said seriously. I cringed at the use of my full name, but didn't interrupt. "You are a stunning, talented, sexy, beautiful, independent woman and any guy would be lucky to have you! Seriously, you wouldn't believe how many guys have been checking you out since you walked in."

My shoes became the most interesting thing to look at. I was awful at reacting to compliments, even from my best friends.

"Thanks Jon, but you're hardly objective, it's kind of your job to say that, being my gay bestie and all."

From the corner of my eye, I saw him getting off the machine before he leaned towards me to whisper something in my ear.

"Then tell me hun, why am I getting evil stares from a certain dark, tall and handsome stranger over at the weights section?"

At this, my eyes immediately widened and searched the gym, until they locked onto two blazing blue orbs.

Luca was at the other side of the gym, supporting the weights bar over his friends head while he was lifting it on the bench. Our eyes locked and my breath hitched, my heart literally skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. He only broke his stare when his friend started talking to him, to which he continued their conversation. The minute I didn't feel his blue eyes on me, I could breath again.

"Wanna tell me what's really going on?" Jonathan asked with a grin.

"Nothing," I said, feeling the treacherous blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah right, and I'm Napoleon."

He sat down on one of the chest press machines and started the exercise, never looking away from me. Leaning against the machine next to him, I started fiddling with the hem of my cropped top.

"I don't know, honestly. I just... When he looks at me, I... I freeze. I don't know if it's just hormones, or if I'm thinking too much about this, but I guess I'm attracted to him. There's this... chemistry, I guess."

My stomach tightened while I tried to find the right words. I'd never been good at voicing my feelings, especially feelings that I didn't have any experience with at all.

"Well what are you waiting for?!" Jonathan whisper-yelled.

"Huh? what do you mean?" I frowned.

"Go to him! Talk! Ask him for his number!"

"I can't do that!"

With a sneaky smile, he got up and said: "Then I will!"

"Jonathan!" I stepped in front of him, blocking his path. He could easily shove me to the side, since he was way taller and stronger than me, but I knew he wouldn't do that. Somewhere beneath his imposing muscles, he was still a sweet guy who'd never hurt a fly. Looking over my shoulder, I saw his grin falter.

"You're in luck, hun. Looks like they left."

Turning around, I saw he was right. Luca and his friend were nowhere to be seen. I released a relieved breath, not wanting to admit to Jonathan that a small part of me was disappointed.

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