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Luca’s POV


“You deserved that,” I told Jayce.

He fiercely rubbed the spot on the back of his head where I smacked him only moments ago. It was 5 PM and we’d been at the gym for only half an hour, which was apparently the maximum of his capacity to keep his focus on working out. After the third girl he checked out from top to bottom, my hand just got this sudden itch to slap him and I didn’t feel leek stopping it.

“Sorry bro, but can you blame me?”

Honestly, I couldn’t. Not really. Since we moved from our spots on the treadmills to the weights section of the gym, girls had been flaunting themselves at us, one dressed more provocatively than the next.

“Why do those girls even come? Seriously, none of them are doing anything! They’re either chatting, or walking around, but I don’t think I’ve seen even one of them actually use a machine!” I grunt exasperated.

Jayce just shrugged and picked up a couple more weights to add to his bar. Shaking my head, I walked over to the chest press to do another set of reps. Truth be told, I didn’t follow any kind of routine or anything, I just winged it and did whatever I felt like doing. Gym coaches would surely despise me or at least reprimand me, but I didn’t care that much. I’d much rather be in the pool, where you could actually relax while working out.

“Gotta hit the john, be right back!” I called over to Jayce.

Even after seeing the female population he could gawk at, I still didn’t understand the full appeal Jayce felt of going to the gym. It was loud, smelly and filled with judgy people, no doubt gossiping about each other’s latest secrets or-

Stumbling into someone, I automatically reached forward to prevent whoever it was from falling on their ass.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Two big grey eyes shot up and looked straight at me. I looked down and realized I was holding the arms of JJ’s dancing teacher.


“Well, nice to see you again, Lou,” I said with a smirk. The sudden blush on her cheeks made her look even cuter than I remembered, especially since we were standing quite close to each other. She’d obviously been working out, light sweat shone on her fair skin and shoulders. Her long hair was in a high bun, with a few baby hairs peaking out in front. Similar to yesterday, she was dressed in black spandex leggings and a cropped white tanktop over a colorful sports bra.

“Uhm, yeah, you too,” she replied in a small voice. “How’s Julia? Did she like the class?”

My heart skipped a beat thinking she genuinely cared for my little sister’s feelings. I realized I was still holding her arms and reluctantly let go before taking a step back.

“Actually, no...” I started, deciding to tease her a little bit. Immediately, her face fell.

“She completely and utterly adores it,” I quickly continued.

At this, a smile appeared on her face, so wide, it made the rest of the room disappear.

“Phew! You nearly had me there,” she said with a grin while she pretended to wipe her forehead.

“Couldn’t help myself. For real though, since she started taking your dance class, she hasn’t talked about anything else. Except for her princess movies maybe, but what can you expect.”

Lou giggled, a wonderful sound in the noisy room.

“I guess every little girl wants to be a princess, if only it was to have some prince Charming rescue her.”

“Is that so?” I questioned, taking a small step closer to her. I didn’t miss the subtle movement of her chest when she sucked in a breath. She sucked in her bottom lip, then licked it, as if she was preparing herself to speak before she started mumbling.

“Uhm-I... Uhmm...”

“Lou! Girl, are we here to chat or sweat? Come on, let’s go!” Someone shouted from the back of the gym before she could finish her thought.

I looked over to where the voice was coming from and spotted a tall, brawny guy in sweats shorts and a tight V neck shirt. Damn... I should’ve known a beautiful girl like her had a boyfriend already. And not a guy you’d easily surpass. Obviously, this guy worked out a lot, and if that wasn’t enough, he had this Mediterranean look all girls in the movies drooled over, with shaggy black hair and dark eyes.

“I’m coming Jonathan!” she replied before looking back at me. “It was truly nice seeing you again, Luca.”

Her soft voice wasn’t able to lessen the slightly painful feeling I had in my gut.

“Yeah, sure. Bye Lou.” With that I turned around and went to the bathroom. Good thing I was still at the gym, I definitely needed to blow off some steam now.

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