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Luca's POV

"How's the icecream JJ?"

We were at Mimi's icecream parlour, her absolute favorite place in town. Mimi was one of the sweetest women I'd ever met, she just had this grandmotherly vibe and spread nothing but warmth to whoever entered her sixties style business. Also, she would create any kind of soft ice or sundae flavour you'd ask for.

As usual, Julia had ordered a cherry-peach-sundae, her own invention of which she was immensely proud.

"It's yum! Very yum even!" Her wide grin was even more charming thanks to the small pinkish icecream mustach on her upper lip.

"You've got something right there," I said pointing to her lip. Sticking out her tongue, she licked her lips and sent me an overjoyed smile.

"Thanks Orry!"

"So, how was your dancing class? Your teacher seems... nice."

I couldn't tell her what I was actually thinking, since it wasn't exactly suitable for an 8 year old. The minute I walked into the dancing studio and saw the cute girl from the coffeehouse, my mouth instantly went dry and every rational thought disappeared from my mind. Underneath the baggy sweater she'd worn when I first met her, a gorgeous body was hidden. Although she was a bit on the thin side, it was clear to see she was really fit. The muscles in her slender legs were emphasized by the tight, grey leggings she wore. She didn't wear a top, only a purple sports bra, which showed off her flat stomach. Even from where I was standing, I could clearly see her abs, as well as the curves of her luscious breasts.

Watching her dance, her arms moving gracefully and her feet never out of line, I was in complete and utter awe. Not to mention the dirty thoughts that made my jeans feel twice as tight as usual as I imagined what it would be like to feel those legs wrapped around me...

"She's the best!" Julia pulled me out of my reminiscing. "Miss Lou is always nice to us. Even when I stumbled and fell the first week, she was really sweet. She went to the store next door and bought me a lollipop before putting a Barbie bandaid on my booboo."

The adoration and love were abundantly clear in Julia's warm eyes. Just looking at her, I couldn't help but remember those same eyes on my mom's beautiful face staring back at me, whispering soothing words.

"Well well, she does sound pretty sweet."

"And she is soooooo pretty! Maybe she can be your girlfriend!" She suggested with a wide grin.

Smiling at her, I shook my head. "No thank you, my little matchmaker, I am very happy not having a girlfriend right now. Besides, I'd much rather spend my time eating icecream with you." I sent her an exaggerated wink.

She giggled and finished eating her icecream, while the image of a certain petite dancer kept playing on repeat in my mind.

After an hour of chatting and laughing, and ofcourse promosing Mimi to return very soon, I took Julia back to my childhood home. Upon rounding the corner to enter the familiar street, I felt a small twinge of homesickness. Seeing the two story white house come into view, my chest constricted due to the sudden flow of memories threatening to overwhelm me.

"Dad?" I called for him after entering through the front door. As always, dad kept a spare key hidden in a midnight blue flower pot on the front porch.

"Crafts room!" He shouted back.

Following Julie who skidded through the hallway after dropping her bag at the bottom of the stairs, I walked through the hall, decorated with old family pictures. There were several of me and Julia, especially when she was a baby, as well as a bunch of my mom and dad. My favorite one was of me, Julia and mom, taken on my mom's 43rd birthday. She was sitting on my back, with Julia in her neck, the three of us were smiling widely, even though we were completely covered in flour after a very interactive afternoon of baking. There were no signs of any illness back then and when we did realize that she'd started looking frailer than usual, it had already been too late...

"Daddy daddy daddy!"

Julia ran over to our dad, jumping onto him with such a fierce hug, it was a miracle he didn't fall of his stool.

"Well hello there, princess. How was your day?" He pulled back from their hug to send her a loving smile, crinkling the corners of his eyes. Even after losing the love of his life, my dad continued making an effort to provide a warm home for my little sister. Although it was clearly visible by the wrinkles in his skin, the grey in his dark hair and the melancholic look he sometimes had in his blue eyes.

"I had the greatest day, daddy! Dance class was awesome but the best part was my icecream from Miss Mimi's!"

"Hmmm Mimi's, she does have the best! Maybe I'll tag along next time." Putting on a stern face, he continued: "Now little lady, it's homework time. Off you go, dinner will be at 7."

Julia tried to pull her puppy eyes, but quickly ran out the room and up the stairs as soon as my dad lifted his signature eyebrow. I knew that expression quite well myself, having been scolded often enough when I sas just a teenager. The irony of the fact that I often wore the same expression now, didn't go unnoticed by me.

"So, how've you been?" My dad asked.

"Fine I guess."

"And how's the business?"

"Running smoothly so far. Jayce and I had to hire another barista for the rush hours."

"Sounds good. And what about-"

Before he could finish, I interrupted him, already knowing what he was going to ask next.

"Don't go there, dad. Like I said before, I really don't feel like talking about it."

He sighed heavily before standing up and walking over to place both hands on my shoulders.

"Son... I know you were hurt. And don't you try to be macho and argue that you weren't, because I knew you were all in. But I'm scared you'll let Nikki's actions ruin your future chances at finding happiness."

Looking anywhere but at him, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I know dad, but... it's too soon. Right now, I need to focus on making sure our business is booming. Everything else will have to wait."

I took a step back, making his hands fall limply by his sides and scratched my neck.

"Guess I'll leave you to it then... Oh, would it be okay for Julia to come and stay over at mine and Jayce's during her spring break, just for a couple of nights? We really want to take her to the coffeehouse."

"Sure. I trust you and Jayce to be your most responsible selves while she's there."

Again, he put on his stern dad face. Growing up, he was quite strict with me, but he also gave me my necessary freedom to be the reckless teenager. With Julia, he was 100% the overbearing, overprotective, big bear dad.

"No problem dad, we'll keep the wanton to a minimum."

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