Harsh Sleep

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Kari: You're what?!

Star: Yep. I think it's good if I meditate for a few eons...

Veronica: We'll all be dead by then!

Star: Ok maybe not eons in Reality-0, but eons in another Reality.

Henry: Wait...why are you doing it again?

Star: Well, I want to just begin unlocking more secrets about the world of Existance.

Veronica: Will you be gone for a few years or something?

Star: It may only be a month or two...

Veronica: Okay...

I smile and hug everyone. Hope, in Veronica's arms, babbles a few random noises and I look at her.

Star: Hey, Hope...

I pick Hope up and look into her eyes. I chuckle and touch her nose, sending some sparkles of light into the air.

Star: Boop.

Hope giggles and I hand her back to Veronica.

Kari: So what do we all do in the meantime?

Star: Just relax, and do your average lives.

A portal opens behind me.

Star: I'll see you all in a few months.

I kiss Kari on the lips, and then begin walking into the portal.

Veronica: So... what do we do now?

Kari: Well... I honestly dont know...

I look around the strange realm. In the distance, some beings fight. They look to me, and stare at me.

???: Are you wishing to get revenge on the Multiversal Hero-

I sigh and simply fly away, heading to a open space far from the enemies. I lean on some dark matter, and begin relaxing. As I rest, voices begin filling my head.

?: You were meant for more...

??: You gave up...



Then...one makes all those voices push away.

Infantrist: Son, focus.

I think to the voice, confused.

Aqua: Son, you're amazing. You've saved all existance multiple times, yet... we fear something may be coming...

Infantrist: Keep meditating... we will give you info over time...

I nod and continue to meditate, the world around me fading as I escape it.

Someone knocks on the door of the house. Veronica stands up from a chair and goes to open it. Music blasts from outside and people chat around the house. Veronica opens the door, and Aeris stands there.

Veronica: Oh, heya Aeris!

Aeris: Hey, Veronica. Watcha doing?

Veronica: We invited the- hic -heroes over fromt he castle... we are doing a little party to- hic -celebrate...

Aeris: Did you drink something?

Veronica looks at her hand, and sees the bottle. She giggles and sighs.

Veronica: Ah well, come on in and enjoy!

Aeris shrugs and enters the house. As he looks around, Veronica heads out back to see the newly installed pool being played in. Hope is being talked to by people as they pass by, and she giggles.

Hope and Lies - The Sequal to The Mirror Series  (Mild NSFW warning)Where stories live. Discover now