A Brief, Yet Interesting Meeting

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"Hey," a tense atmosphere violently assaulted all of Shujinkou's senses at once the moment he opened the clubroom door. The intensity he felt in the air was almost scary, but not as scary as the serious expressions that sat on Natsuki and Yuri's faces.

Natsuki's face contorted with irritation as Yuri's expression grew more serious as time passed by. Shujinkou could only watch on in confusion as he wondered what could have possibly created such a serious atmosphere.

Following their gaze, he noticed a single open book that sat between them.

Wonder what they're reading? Not too long after that thought, Yuri gently placed her right index finger on one of the pages. "There... There's Wally..."

"Seriously...?" Natsuki's eyes focused and scanned the area Yuri pointed out. "Yep, that's Wally."

"Oh..." Shujinkou was sure if he was in a fictional world, he would dramatically fall back with surprise. But the closest he could get to that was imagining that. Doesn't have the same impact.

But now that he understood what was going on, the tense atmosphere that greeted him vanished as if it never existed. The young man walked in and curiously sat in between them. "How come you guys are playing 'Where's Wally'?"

"It's a long story..." Natsuki rolled her eyes and sighed.

Yuri slightly giggled at her response, causing a slight smile to form on Natsuki's lips. Shujinkou simply scratched his right cheek, keeping his own smile to himself. After all, him responding to such a moment could ruin it and create a new uncomfortable atmosphere: an awkward one.

Yuri then turned her attention to Shujinkou and explained, "You see, it actually had something to do with our last club meeting. Monika brought up the subject of children's literature and its role in the development of its audience. How it teaches them problem solving skills, reading between the lines, basic clue finding... Subjects like that. She used Where's Wally as an example of skills books teach you, since many use the series to teach children various skills and also use them as a measuring stick for certain subjects too."

"But that's when Sayori chimed in with an idea to make it a competition," Natsuki interjected.

"A club activity?" Shujinkou asked.

"No, she wanted try and hoard the brownies I brought in yesterday. They were the prize for each round."

"Oh..." Shujinkou weakly chuckled as he scratched cheek. He should have known that would have been the primary reason behind Sayori's suggestion. "So, you guys are trying another round of Where's Wally?"

"Mm-hmm," Yuri nodded her head. "Would you like to join us?"


Shujinkou watched as Yuri gently turned the page.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced, pointing to the fictional character.

"Already?!" Natsuki shot him a look of complete disbelief.

"That is Wally," Yuri confirmed.

The young maiden then turned to the next page.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced again.

"Again?!" Natsuki exclaimed.

Yuri curiously glanced up at Shujinkou before turning the page. I wonder...

"There's Wally," he announced.

"Seriously...? Have you memorized this entire book?" Natsuki questioned, bewildered by what was happening.

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