XIV | Honor

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Elena's pov

Staring at myself I smile. I'm happy.
I don't remember the last time I smiled but it felt nice having this news. My parents were finally able to get a new place and starting today they were moving from our old one. Based off of what my sister told me it's seemed very lovely and a major upgrade from our old place, way nicer. I'm excited for them and maybe hopefully I can visit them soon, considering that my little sister wants to show me around the new place.

What I do like about it is that it's more safe for her, the neighborhood consists of a lot of elderly people and lovely quiet shops where nothing happens.

A lot happens within three weeks and luckily they were all nice. My family gets a new home, I can finally stand up, get some privacy, and Luciano coming back in a good mood or so what I believe so.

He hides emotions a lot but at times he will let his guard down. It's nice seeing him smile and have a simple conversation with me. Always asking me If I was doing good which was nice of him considering that I was in bed rest. He would never tell me what's been going on which i'm grateful for since I don't really want to know what's been happening since there's been a few times where he came back with little droplets of blood.

Hearing a knock coming from the door I turn my head at it, walking towards it I stop in front of it. I didn't know who it was but I at least know it's not Luciano.

"Hi." I smiled slightly at Lorenzo as he towers over me. I wasn't surprised to see him in his usual outfit, tucked in dress shirt with a weapon sticking out of the border of his slack.

"Volevo sapere che stavi bene prima di partire." Translation: Wanted to know you were okay before I left.
Lightly nodding my head at him I send him a reassuring smile. Without another word he turns around and heads out.
'Stay safe.'

Closing the door behind me I walked towards the bathroom. Considering that I had the whole house to myself I wanted to take this advantage and give myself a much needed relaxation bath. Luciano's bedroom was beautiful but his bathroom was amazing. Gray and white. Fancy. Aesthetic for sure. Everything was pleasing, seeing how white the sinks, showers,and floor were white was amazing.

Bending down I plug in the tub as I began to run the water warm. It's slowly starting to get into the fall season and I was into it. The thought of being in fuzzy socks and some comfortable fuzzy pjs makes me excited, it brings a smile out of me. Stripping out of my nightgown and undergarments I quickly add some rose scented shampoo into the bath before I went in.

Releasing a soft hum I carefully laid down on the tub. The warm water consumed my body making me feel amazing. Letting my hands mix the shampoo into the water I could start seeing small bubbles appearing on the surface, covering the clear water and making it smell like fresh roses.

"I took your heart... I did things to you only lovers would do in the dark made you a god."
Reaching over I pick up a bar of soap sitting near the edge of he tub, Getting it wet I smear it around my neck and down my body.

"Pre-Spokes and pre-arches will tell me what you did wrong, but hey." As I rubbed soap onto my face I wondered if having Luciano here with me would make me feel better. I gotten used to him and now when I'm by myself I feel lonely.
I knew if he were here we would be busy doing each other, not having time to do anything else.

"You made a man flip, what do I say?
To make me exist?
ooh, stranger.... Still don't know my name-" I immediately stop singing and cover my exposed body as the door to the bathroom opened up. Letting out a sigh of relieved as I saw Luciano walking in made me feel slightly better. At least it wasn't anyone else.

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