Chapter 1: lost love

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Asuna's POV:

"Hi Kirito, you haven't been picking up any of my calls, call me back when you get this, bye love you." Still nothing. This is the fifth time he hasn't picked up my phone call which is rather odd, he always has his phone on him. Maybe...No, I'm just overthinking it but then again, I've noticed that Kirito has been acting super distant and hardly takes the initiative to start a conversation with me. He's physically there but his mind isn't. I've tried to ask him if he's troubled by anything but he just shrugs and changes the subject. Even at school he rarely speaks to me. His loving and caring eyes have turned cold with emptiness. his voice no longer tender but rough and aggressive. You know what, I may as well go over to his house. I need to fix our relationship. This isn't how we were before. Something changed in him after he started playing Gungale online. I'm determined to find out what made him change so drastically. 

I quickly stride up the stairs and went into my room. I change out of my pajamas and put on a flowy, pink summer dress, and a white sheer coat. I grab my purse and put on my white sandals with beige straps and proceed to my car. I turn on the engine and make my way towards Kirito's house. It was a rather hot and humid day maybe he was just in the shower so he couldn't pick up my calls. I just hope the reason he's been avoiding me is as simple as that. I shake my head, no there's no way something like that happened, yeah I'm probably just overthinking again. 

I turn right and spot Kirito's house, it isn't big but it isn't small either, it has two stories and resembles a shrine. I park my car and make my way to the front door. I knock hoping for Kirito to be the one to open the door, however, nobody answers it. I knock again. "Hello? Is anybody home?" I yell. Still, no response. Kirito isn't at home, that's even more strange, he's the lazing around type, so I expected him to be home on a Saturday afternoon. Suddenly, the door swings open. 

Asuna: Kirito! I've been trying to reach you-

Standing in front of me is a girl wearing a striped, red jacket with short, navy blue hair, she has two white clips on the side of her head and is dressed in a simple white blouse and some black shorts. 

Asuna: Oh, it's you Suguha

I try to hide my disappointment with a small smile but I don't think it's very convincing.

Suguha: Hi Asuna! What are you doing here? Come in!

Asuna: Actually, I'm looking for Kirito, he hasn't been picking up my calls, is he by any chance home?

Suguha: Oh Onii-chan isn't home at the moment

Asuna: Do you perhaps know where he is? I need to talk to him about something really important.

Suguha: Hmm, ah I remember now, in the morning, Onii-chan said that he would be going to the ice-cream parlor just down the street, I thought he was going with you Asuna. 

Asuna: No, he didn't mention anything about a meetup let alone a date.

Suguha: Cheer up Asuna, I know that things aren't going well right now, but don't worry Onii-chan will come around and if he hurts you, I'll beat him up for you. 

Asuna: Thanks Suguha, you're right I should trust Kirito. We've been through a lot. Thanks again, bye. 

Suguha waved goodbye and gently closed the door. I walked down the steps and towards the nearby ice-cream parlor. As I was walking, I saw a couple holding hands and they had these huge smiles plastered on their faces. I reminisced about the times Kirito and I used to stroll around the streets with the refreshing wind breezing through our hair. I miss those times, just his company would send butterflies to my stomach. As I was lost in my own train of thought I saw another couple exiting the ice-cream parlor, the girl had short black hair with two slightly longer strands framing her face. She wore a green long sleeve and a white long skirt. The boy had raven hair and rocked dark, black eyes, and to boot, his clothes were all black. Hold on, they seem familiar, very familiar in fact. My eyes widened with pure shock. I quickly hid behind a tree trunk and tried to blend in with the bushes.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I couldn't believe it, Kirito was with Sinon. They were walking hand in hand while happily chatting with each other. Is that why he hasn't been picking up my calls, is he having an affair? No that can't be, I'm probably just jumping to conclusions again, there's just no way Kirito would cheat on me...right? I tried to reassure myself but it was all coming together, not picking up my calls, becoming distant, hardly talking, it was all because he was too busy with Sinon. 

I held my head in my hands, trying to hold in my tears. I could hear them getting closer, I shuffled backwards a little, in attempt to not be spotted. When I looked up to observe the scene, my heart sank and I could feel it shattering into small particles, unable to mend itself. 

Kirito was projecting a warm smile with a gentle voice, yet they weren't directed at me, they were glued to Sinon. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up rather abruptly and walked in a fast pace towards the traitors.


Chapter 1: end

You still love me, right? (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora