Chapter 4: Who is she?

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Kirito's pov:

As I walk towards the reception area, I spot Suguha and my aunt Midori discussing something, it seems to be rather serious, which is evident through their furrowed brows and solemn expressions. I shake off the uneasy feeling and call out their names. They both turn their heads and greet me with a welcoming and gentle smile. My aunt holds out her two arms, motioning for a hug. I lean in and hug her. She pats my head and ruffles my hair. After a moment or so we let go of the hug.  

Midori: It's good to have you back Kirito. I know you were trying to protect her but promise me, never do anything like that again. I would never forgive myself if you too were to die. 

I could see tears swelling up in the corner of her eyes but she held them back. I wanted to reassure her but I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Protect who? Nobody had informed me about how and why I had ended up in a coma. I knew that if I told her that she would break out in tears, so instead I promised her something that I had no recollection of. 

Once again, my aunt patted my head. As if reminding herself that I'm still here. 

My nurse, Misaki walked out of her office and handed my aunt some paperwork that she apparently needed to fill in. She checked a few boxes and signed it with her signature. she handed back the paperwork and I was free to go. 

*Timeskip to the evening*

For dinner, my aunt had cooked up a big meal to celebrate my leave from the hospital. There was an abundance of everything, meat, vegetables, you name it. After stuffing ourselves, I went to gather the dishes to wash them. However, Suguha and my aunt insisted that I go rest in my room and that they were more than capable of washing the dishes themselves. Knowing their stubbornness, I sighed and went to my room. 

I enter my room and look around. I thought it would look completely different but to my surprise, only a few things differed. As always, the majority of my room is engulfed in black, there's hardly any spark of colour, let alone any. I sigh once again and sit on my bed. After a few minutes, I hear a couple of soft knocks on my bedroom door. 

Suguha: Onii-chan are you awake?

Kirito: Yeah.

Suguha: Can I come in?

Kirito: Sure, I wasn't really doing anything anyway.

She comes in and takes a seat next to me on my pitch black bed

Suguha: do you feel?

Kirito: I feel fine, but I think it's time someone told me what happened before the accident, everything is just a huge blur to me and it makes me feel on edge.

Suguha: remember that hazelnut haired girl from the hospital? Well she's your girlfriend or was your girlfriend to be more exact. Apparently you cheated on her with Sinon, a friend you made while playing gungale online...well you probably don't remember what happened then too. Um well Asuna, your girlfriend caught you and she was nearly hit by a moving vehicle if it was not for your sacrifice...

I couldn't utter a single word. Had that really been the case? I couldn't fathom the idea of cheating on my partner, it didn't sound like me at all. But I guess I had still deeply cared for asuna if I hadn't thought twice before jumping in front of the moving car. It's still too much to process. 

Suddenly a sharp pain invaded my thought process and I groaned, clutching my head with both sides of my palm. 

Suguha: kirito! What's happening? Are you okay?!

Kirito: y-yeah I'm fine, I-j-just need to rest a bit. I'll see you tomorrow

I know I shouldn't be shutting her out like this, especially when she means well, but I don't want to remember anything, well not now at least.

I see suguha sigh with a sad expression plastered across her face, she silently gets up and exits my room.

I lay on my bed and pull the covers over my body, tomorrow would be hard, meeting everyone at school, especially Asuna. 

I close my eyes and succumb to the nagging fatigue.

Chapter 4 end

Next chapter will be released in 2-7 days

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hello guys😅, soooooo I know that it's been like 8 months or something but I've finally returned to this story. I was giving up on this story because I just felt a lack of motivation but now I'm back and I'll try to update once a week or once a fortnight, I'm very busy most of the time with school and everything so pls go easy on me 

I know this chapter was quite short but I'll make sure to make chapter 5 longer

Anywaaays immmm reaaaaaaaalllly sorrrrrrrrrry for the long hiatus and I'm also sorry that I didn't say anything.

You still love me, right? (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat