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It's 11 p.m and katsumi and sana are walking to the bus for training camp. katsumi then starts a conversation with her best friend.

"so, did you tell your dad about the trip? or did you sneak out?" she asks cautiously.

sana has a sad smile on her face as she turns to the black haired girl. "you know i could never lie to him. when i told him, he said this was a good opportunity to get out of the house and find a spouse!"

katsumi frowns and looks in sana's eyes. "you don't think that's your only purpose in life do you? you're capable of doing so much more than that. you're worth so much more and the fact that you're own father is making you think that you're not is extremely concerning."

sana looks at her with sudden change in her emotion. "are you trying to question my father's parenting?" she scoffs.

katsumi looks taken aback by sana's sudden change in attitude. "well i mean- kind of. you have to be realistic here, if your father is mentally abusing you and you have a physically abusive brother on top of that- it's just one really bad house hold to live in. especially for someone like you."

while speaking these words, katsumi was thinking about tsukishima's rant that day they were planing on hanging out.

"i'll stop being insensitive when you guys actually work to get her out of that household."

at this point, she completely understood where he was coming from. she has lived with those horrid people for so long to the point where she has the same twisted mindset as them.

"haven't i told you that i'm uncomfortable with this subject? why do you and tsukishima always bring it up? hm?" sana presses, she was really tired of this subject. the whole point of her coming on this trip was to get away from her family and spend time with her friends. the only people who can take her mind off of the trauma.

and here they are, bringing it up every time she talks to them. giving her subtle glances of pity. she felt as if everything was about her family at this point and that was the last thing she wanted.

"don't you think you being uncomfortable about this topic says something? come on sana, you know this is wrong yet you still back them up! and for what? like, i'm genuinely curious about why because it seems as if you know that their treating you wrong. we've been giving you all of the signs!" katsumi is spitting out word after word. wanting to open her dear friend's eyes to the serious situation she was in.

"katsumi please!" it was only then when she realized sana was looking at her with tears in her eyes. it was only then when she realized that sana always knew what was happening around her. it was only then when she realized that she ruined her best friend's only escape.

that she, katsumi, was her best friend's escape from her harsh reality. and she just ruined that.

"oh..." katsumi looks at the orange haired girl with sympathetic eyes.

"stop looking at me like that" she shoots out, hoping her voice came out strong. when in reality, it broke due to the tears choking her up.

katsumi looks down at the concrete. "i'm so sorry, i can't believe i didn't realize earlier.." she then takes a step towards the girl.

"it's okay..it's not like you could've known. but now that you do it will make this a lot easier. and honestly, i should've told you in the first place. we tell each other everything." sana says, looking at her best friend with a small smile, getting rid of her tears before they could fall down her cheeks.

"do you want to just leave this conversation for now? since, you know..." katsumi suggest.

sana looks up to her with a wide grin on her face and brings her into a rib crushing hug. katsumi grunts but hugs her back regardless.

"come on, we should start heading to the bus. we don't want to hold them up, you know?" she then leads the orange haired girl down the sidewalk.

they still don't let go of each other's waist. "thank you so much for understanding." sana says as she looks at her dear friend, eyes glistening from the street lights.

katsumi scoffs, "it's nothing babe, i'll always be here for you, alright?" sana nods and says, "and i'll always be here for you."

they smile at each other as they walk into the parking lot with the karasuno volleyball team.

tanaka sparks up at the sight of the two girls. "it took you two long enough! we thought we'd have to leave without you guys."

"you guys wouldn't dare." katsumi glares at the group. sana giggles at her attitude and goes to load their bags on the bus.

"aye kageyama! i want to talk to you." katsumi yells out, strutting her way over to him and hinata.

at the sight of her, he blushes as the conversation from a couple of nights ago floods his mind. he was honestly hoping he could ignore her until they both forgot about it.

katsumi doesn't seem to have the same plan though. she stops in front of him and clears her throat.

"i wanted to explain myself for yesterday," she begins. "basically, i was high yesterday."

kageyama gasps, shocked at the bluntness of the girl and at the fact that she smokes. but he could've guessed that as soon as he saw her pull out that mysterious stick and lighter.

"yeah... i'm horny when i'm high. so when i get high again, i'll try not to let it happen again. if it makes you that uncomfortable." she finishes.

"oh- i thought you were joking with me that night. but now that i know the reason behind it, i'll be more understanding." he says.

"oh? well what if i'm not high? what if i genuinely want you to fuck me?" she asks with a smirk.

kageyama's cheeks flame up at her words and starts stuttering. "w-well um- i- i didn't- really think- we were- you know- at that point-"

he gets cut off by katsumi's loud laughter. she doubling over, hand on her stomach, tears threatening to fall down her cheeks from how hard she's laughing.

"you're too gullible! to be honest, that's probably never going to happen- oh! well i guess i wouldn't completely shut the opportunity out. i'm always down if you're down." she winks at him and walks away because couch ukai calls for everyone to board the bus.

kageyama is left with heated cheeks and a teasing hinata. he honestly forgot he was even there during that conversation. that makes this even more embarrassing for him.


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this book is gonna be really bipolar bc it's written by two people im sorry-
but n e gays, sana is not as dumb as you all thot 🤪😼

written by pink_chaery
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𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ™;// 𝗍․𝗄𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗒𝖺𝗆𝖺Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora